Sweet Bunny Tales

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She's holding the ball still to pull the hay out
ok seriously... are bunnies normally this intelligent?

while i was spot cleaning her cage of poops (found in three specific areas), i thought to myself "I don't see any wet spots". Then I found it. She only pees in one corner of the cage! I haven't even purchased a box for her, let alone start to litter box train. I was amazed! :D Very proud bunny mom here.
Here are a couple recent pictures of Ellie snuggling :kiss:

Sorry about the second one, it was in my pj's and she was just so cute I couldn't help it. Anyone else's bun go nuts licking you if you stop petting them?


Look at that mohawk!


ack either I'm allergic to Timothy Hay or I'm catching the baby's cold. The hay is very likely, since I have other seasonal allergies... and I sneeze A LOT after I freshen up her hay ball.

Can I switch her to orchard grass, or should I wait till she's a little older? I heard it causes less of a reaction in people with those kind of allergies.

BTW her estimated birthdate is between October 25 - November 1.
Timothy and orchard are both grass hays, so you can feed either one. I also had problems with the Timothy and switching to orchard helped.

If she's a young bunny you can also feed alfalfa hay too.
Ellie had her first vet appointment today.

Her checkup went great. Vet fell in love with her right away. She behaved so well, I was so proud of her. Just her outgoing self.... hardly bothered by the strange environment or weird person touching her.

The vet said I'm doing everything right (bedding, housing, etc.), just to make sure to give kale or turnip greens (dark things like that) and save the romaine and carrots for treats... along with her pellets and hay. She said by 1yr she could be switched to just dark greens and hay.

I love the analogy she gave me "bunnies are like little horses" --so true!

She was also weighed.. that little chunker is 1.2 lbs! haha
Wow that is rather a lot!
Every vet is different in what they think is best for rabbits. Pembrooke gets salad,hay and pellets. Whereas some get salad and hay and fruit.
Just choose what's best for your rabbit. Which you are!
she doesn't like fruit much, which is good... I'd rather stay away from the really sweet stuff.

she loves her pellets and freaks when I freshen up her hay. lol she also goes bonkers for the occasional baby carrot.