Surgery on my mouth for my wisedom tooth

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
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bayshore, New York, USA
I am little scared that i have to get survey done on my mouth to get rid of a wisedom tooth that pressing against my top teeth. I might have to get anthesia or some type of pill. Have you ever gotten this kind of oral surgery before and how did it go? I will be getting the surgery doned sometime early in may
I had all my wisdom teeth removed when I was in my 20's. Surgery went well and I was able to eat soft foods as soon as I got home (I had a Wendy's baked potato). Nothing stops me from eating LOL
I had all four out when I was 12. Yes super early.

I was down for a day and out of school for two well thursday had the surgery friday I missed school and was back on monday.

Things where good I lived on ice cream for 3 days and had pain killers.
I had all my wisdom teeth removed when I was in my teens. It wasn't bad at all. I was eating(soup and soft stuff) by supper time and back at school after 2 days(miss the surgery day and then 1 more).

Some tips are keep on top of your pain meds and take them even if it doens't hurt too bad. They help keep the swelling down. Also use lots of ice packs. Ice your cheeks on and off all day, it will keep the swelling down. Also don't try to do too much too fast. Talking all day, or eating non soft foods can make it hurt more.

But its really nothing to worry about. You should be fine after a day or so.
I had mine out a few weeks ago. Ice packs are really important! They help keep you from swelling up and looking like a chipmunk.
I had all four of mine out at the same time. The only problem I had was dry sockets. Don't drink out of a straw!
well, I didn't have a really easy time with it all, but that was because I didn't get any anesthesia during surgery and my pain meds/numbing stuff they gave me started to ware off (ouch! I was basically bawling my eyes out 1/2 through the ordeal) but once he gave me more, it was all better.

Then I tried to do to much and ripped out a stitch, so they had to go back in a few days later and put a new one in it.

Other then that it wasn't to bad. I just was swollen for days and had lots of bruising on my cheeks (should note that I bruise VERY easily!)
I got mine done one at a time, as they approached, but just w/ Nitrus. They have at a certain level, not good enough, the last one I had pulled that was broken off to the gum, I told him to turn it up right before the procedure, worked perfectly! I didn't care and it was over in what seemed to be seconds. No pain after, didn't even need my Codein or anything.:D The ice packs were good enough, maybe it depends on the surgeon too. Mine rocked, never had him before, but I've Never had a tooth extracted w/ almost no pain and bleeding. This was a breeze!:thumbup

But, now I'm scared to go and get some fillings...:tantrum::sofa:. Someone come hold my hand, eek. Scared to even make an appt.
My daughter had 7 removed at the same time and my son had 9 removed at the same time. They both made it into a medical book for such a large amount. Your having one removed,should be a breeze.

I had 3 wisdom tooth removed 2 years ago. I opted to be out the entire time. I think I was more scared about the IV stuck in me. Not a fan of needles. Everything was back to normal within 2 days. The doctor did prescribe pain meds but didn't need it. I do suggest you take someone with you.You will be groggy afterwards. My husband came with me and they would not let him leave the office the entire time.

You'll do fine! Just have plenty of liquids in the house. Soup, gatorade, etc....
Well all went well!! Now im in a little pain. I had it done this morning. They just worked on my bottom left teeth. Im having tomato soup right now. Thanks guys for your support

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