Summer's Ongoing Saga RIP

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I don't like this. I don't want to have to watch this.

I finished writing the reply, and look over and shes doing something very strange and lboured with her breathing, so I picker her up and brought her over and she stopped. I can only presume that position will have an impact?

If she is breathing like that then its closer than I thought so I'm going to have to watch so closely.

It was really gaspy and jerky, although not mouth breathing.

They know, the others know. Tilly has gone and laid with her and has rested her head over Summer's neck.

I thought we might have a couple of weeks. I hope we would. But now it looks, to me, like days.
I don't know how I missed your very last post this AM!!!!
Oh Tracy I'm so sorry that she isn't doing well;

I know how sad you must feel :(

What a terrible time for you
If there is anything more I can do please pm me

My heart and thoughtsare with you :nerves1:cry1::cry1:
hopefully she will pass peacefully if the time is close.
She's up and down. The weird breathing yesterday, I can only attribute to her maybe being in a position that didn't work for whatever is happening to her lungs. I struggle with being breathless a lot and I find that some positions are more comofrtable than others and some make me worse, so I'm going on that theory that she was just in a bad position, because it did stop as soon as I picked her up.

Today she is full of beans. In fact, I was just lucky enough to see the first proper all four legs off the floor binky from her. I was even luckier to catch it on film. She's so happy. I can't fault that. This may be unpleasant for me, but it's not for her, not yet at least, and that's what counts.
Just thought I'd post this.

That is the funny breathing Summer was doing yesterday (she's the blue butterfly lop on the right). I've just taken that now. I watched her do it and it's every inhaling breath she was breathing like that. You can see on the footage (which is only about 15 secs long) that she starts while I'm actually pointing the camera at her. She wasn't distressed by it (as you can see) which was why I watched. Then I went over to her and she came over to me and stopped and started breathing 'normally' as she has been recently (using her stomach).

That's not a kind of breathing any of my buns have done before, any thoughts?
Like I said in the pm It looks like something possibly affecting her diaphragm and not necessarily her lungs. if she had problems with breathing she would have been moving about. Anyway I am very glad that she seems fine today and that this is not some horrible rapid decline .It actually looks like a hiccup on the video.

Summer is beautiful and actually looks healthy on the video (doesn't look emaciated)
When my buns breathe they all move their abdomens. Sometimes if there is a problem or they are scared or warm it will be rapid but usuallyI can see each breath in and out even if it is not pronounced.

I hope that she remains 'even ' for a long time

Thanks Maureen :)

Her breathing is significantly different from Tilly's. Its quite helpful that Tilly was breathing fast earlier and that they were together. Tilly's was even and rapid and yes, her sides were moving, Summer's looked like a real effort to push out and was more towards her back legs (it also gets worse when, for example, I hold her in a more standing up position to cut her nails).

She's not emaciated, and seems to be holding her own, mainly due to the copious amounts of food she has, and the Nutrical. She has an incredibly boney spine though, which obviously could just be old age and being frail. Equally, it could be something else. For a while she was losing weight and we couldn't keep it on her, but since she has had Nutrical we have managed to maintain her weight (probably actually increase it a bit). She's still very oney on her spine, but she's not losing anymore, which is the important thing.

Thanks for the title change and the ongoing support :)
I am just seeing about Summer now, and I'm sorry that you are having to go through this again, Tracy, after Sweep last year.

I do remember that you gave Sweep a fabulous time, and he was so happy right up until the very end. Summer is so lucky to have that same chance. I am sure she will have good days, and not so good days, but I know for certain she will be loved and given the very best.

Huge hugs to you and her :hug:

It does look like a hiccup, and she looks happy to me, although a bit scared (perhaps by the camera). I hope she gets to spend her remaining days happily snuggled with her buddies.
LuvaBun wrote:
I am just seeing about Summer now, and I'm sorry that you are having to go through this again, Tracy, after Sweep last year.

I do remember that you gave Sweep a fabulous time, and he was so happy right up until the very end. Summer is so lucky to have that same chance. I am sure she will have good days, and not so good days, but I know for certain she will be loved and given the very best.

Huge hugs to you and her :hug:

That's really lovely. Thank you :)
I'm so sorry for you and Summer that this health trouble is terminal.

There's no reason to doubt yourself. You know your rabbits.

Itsvery sad that Summer will leave here earlier thanexpected but before she goes she will have the happiest, most comfortable life that isfull of love,because of you.

Wishing for plenty of "Happy Bunny" days for you two to share.

Jo xx
I just thought I would update this.

My good girl is still here, still perky, still lively, still stuffing her face like no tomorrow. :)

Unfortunately she's going down hill dramatically. When she breathes it ripples up her body from her hips, and the sheer effort is shown on the top of her spine too. She is also getting skinnier by the day. However, as long as she is happy, we go with that.

She has dermatitis, unofrtnately, which is a mark of her general condition, but she is doing much better with that than she was after long antibiotics and I now only have to bathe the area as and when needed.

As hard as this is, I think I will only have a minimal amount of time left with my Summery Girl. I plan to take her to the vets on her harness and instead of waiting in the waiting room, will take her for a walk outside, unless she is too ill for that at the end, in which case I will cuddle and hold her. I therefore have to have a carrier for her body to bring it home for the others. I will be getting that sorted today so that whenever the time is, I know I have everything ready (every rabbit we lose gets buried wrapped in an item of my clothing, and with a carebear to look after them, so I want to choose the right things for her).

Please don't anyone try and tell me there is nothing any of you can do, because I know that, and whenever I post here I know that and hearing someone say it makes you feel very stupid and worthless. Right now I don't need that, I just really need good wishes for my Summer, and maybe more importantly Tilly and Roger (her bondmates), and just keep hoping that we get the time right.
Good Wishes For Summer, Tilly and Rogers..and
Tracy also ..
TracyI have really missed you but I know that you are very busy .

I am sorry that Summr is deteriorating but (as you already know)it is inevitable with her diagnosis.

Thank you Maureen. It's very much appreciated. I'm sure you know how isolating it can be having such an ill rabbit, and definitely having those good thoughts makes a positive difference, so thank you. :)
Flashy wrote:
Thank you Maureen. It's very much appreciated. I'm sure you know how isolating it can be having such an ill rabbit, and definitely having those good thoughts makes a positive difference, so thank you. :)

I know how isolating it can be
sometimes (at least for me) too depressing to post

Julie (Treasured Friend ) calls it 'going into the cave"

which sort of sums up the emotions

Sending zillions of good thoughts to you and all your buns all the way from rural WI. :)

Be prepared to get knocked over from good thoughts but I promise I won't hurt the buns....
'Going into the cave' is probably about right.

Thank you, and thank you pumpkinandwhiskersmom. :)
Trace your buns are so lucky to go that way. SUmmer is doing so well :) and she has her friends in Tilly and Roger. She is one lucky bun :)