Summer Holidays

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Well, it's been a couple of years now since I had a holiday .. in the sun. I love the sunshine, and the heat ... and most of all, I love being able to walk on the sand, feeling the heat so hot that you just have to go into the beautiful, clear, warm sea, to cool off. We don't get much of that in the UK surprise, surprise . :p

We can't afford a holiday again this year and it looks as though the back garden will once again, have to stand in for the Greek Islands.

Husband and girls have decided that we NEED a 42" new tv - and whilst I agree that we spend a lot of time watching DVD's and playing games via the television, I don't think they understand how I feel not being able to get away to the sun. I feel very selfish by saying that it is actually beginning to depress me, but it truly is. I need something to look forward to .. and what with one thing another, I feel like someone or something is starting to push me underwater .. if you know what I mean!

So .. I'll just have to make do with asking about your holidays .. and to get excited with you all .. if that's ok!? :dude:
Now...I live in Florida, so I do get the sun. BUT! I would like to say that since being married...I have never had a vacation. My family has never gone on a holiday together. So, I do understand your feelings on this point. It's almost worse that everyone comes to see ME on vacations because we do live in Florida. I'm always the hostess, never the guest.

Sorry to hijack your thread, but I wanted to let you know that I feel your pain and I really hope that you find a way to get away for a few days into the bright sunshine!
I had no honeymoon either (for either marriage)

AND I recently found out that my ex took his 2nd wife to SCOTLAND for their honeymoon.

Aww thank you guys .. it's nice to get a bit of sympathy! Heh he!

I'm going to put up two tents in the garden for the summer and pretend I'm away somewhere .... a bit of sand (though must cover it as the neighbour's cats will think it's a bit toilet tray) .. and a bowl of water for the sea.
We didn't go away last summer either. We will be in Alaska this summer, we drive and camp along the way. We have a camper for our truck. It's a 10,000 mile round trip for us. Our best friends live there so we stay with them once we are there and visit friends and family along the way. We are going to drive to the Artic Ocean this year :)

The new TV sounds like a great idea. After this trip we are going to stay home for a while and save up for a trip to hopefully Peru. Which will probably take a couple years!
I have a cunning plan.

A bloke at work is selling his scooter .. I used to have a Vespa scooter some years ago (pre children) and used to love tottling around the countryside - the freedom to go wherever I wanted to .. with no one talking in my ear .. being able to smell the flowers and countryside ...

I'm going to buy it I think !! Then I can take myself away when I need some me time!
Could you take days out to go to the seaside or somewhere?

We've never been outside the UK. My family go to a holiday camp, but I haven't been for a couple of years, although I often go down for day trips to see them and it's really nice.

Could you go to Skeg for the day or anything?
Are you able to get away off season. there are sometimes some incredibly cheap offers in some eastern European countries off peak. if you get a bargain flight, costs of living should be minimal once you get there
The scooter sounds fun!
When the weather is nice here, I wish I had a scooter. I love being in the sun.

We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon last September, but I don't think we'll be able to go on holiday for several years.

Maybe you could convince your family that a smaller tv would be adequate? My husband wanted 42", too, but we ended up with 36". It was a lot less expensive, and perfectly adequate. I hate having a huge tv taking up the whole place.
Well we just came back form holiday (all 5 of us, mum, dad, and my 2 sis) and now we bought a 42" lcd tv haha ;)

i love being on vacation!
except this year im getting a dog instead of a vacation and phew after vacations money is always tight!

a scooter sounds fun!

Its becoming winter in NZ but if you do go somewhere try New Zealand but go in the summer ;)

- prisca

edit we just got our new tv its 48" :shock:
Our summer Holidays are usually spent camping in the mountains for a week or so, and maybe some day trips once in a while.
But since I live in California, our back yard IS sunny and warm. It only lacks the beach, LOL. But it does have a hammock :)

I wonder, can you maybe get away for the day to a Spa or something? In Belgium, where I grew up, they have those "tropical swimming pools". Not really the beach, but a nice tropical feeling for a few hours :).
Do you have something like that near you? You could get away to it on your scooter :D
I think I'll be quite happy with a scooter and no holiday .. I just have to work on my OH now as when I told him I was considering getting a scooter he totally flipped .. I think he fears my driving .. haha .. (then he said, I could buy some new flooring for the kitchen instead!) PAH!

I'll definitely go over to the seaside in the summer ...
We never take a vacation. Most of our "vacation" is doing 4H and stuff like that.

Hubby can't really take time off during good weather and we can't take the kids out of school during the cold weather..... :expressionless
I went to Bournemouth for 4 days last summer and it was lovely and warm! I got sunburnt quite a bit! Would you consider going on a little holiday like that? Cheaper and then you can have the best of both worlds, so to speak.

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