suitable or not

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Mar 29, 2005
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I am in Tamil Nadu, INDIA. I am advised by allthat sinceour climate, season, medications, feeding,etc,. aredifferent from that of Foreign Countries, the Rabbits adopted byForeigners will not be suitable for Indian country. Is that so? Yourdetailed reply,please.

Please make one post and put all your questions in there.You're more likely to get more answers that way, besides, someone withan emergency is less likely to get noticedwith so manyofyour posts on the first page.

You might try doing a search the subject (Search boxabove)you're looking for before you post as many of thequestions you're asking have already been answered in detail.It would save a lot of time.

Please read through the Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care post at thetop of this forum and the links attached in there on thesubjects. There are also posts above entitled how to keepyour rabbit cool in the summer months or warm in the winter.Please read through those and you apply it to the weather inIndia. Never heard that India would be any exception to therule as to how a rabbit reacts to medications or temperatures.
