Stupid stuck up people

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EXACTLY!!! I CANT! She makes me hate that dog, well he does too because hes so mean. :banghead

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
She's ignorant and no you're not being immature about it. I wouldn't be able to stand it!

She also brushes their teeth every night with their own toothbrush. She has a black lab who she keeps ouside just because shes bigger than her Yorkie. She sometimes forgets to feed her and she calls her "HOG". Ok, just because your little stupid Yorkie only eats a 1/2 of hamburger, doesnt make your dog better than her. Then if the lab drinks out of her Yorkies bowl, she will say "o great, now there is hog slobber in their water". And she dont give the lab any of her Yorkies food, but will give all the labs food to her Yorkies. Plus she laughs when her Yorkies pee on the labs food and water bowls. Its just so unfair to the lab!!!!
Plus she said she doesnt care if her cats or her lab gets ran over. Its like all she cares about are them damn dogs. She is on this Yorkie forum allllllllll day long non-stop and always taking a special trip to get them bones when we will be late for somewhere. UGH!:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X
Sorry to keep posting, but I keep forgetting to add stuff. When she orders her food and gets it home and realizes theres nothing for Jack to eat, she will give him her food and she will eat nothing. Im like HELLO, THATS WHAT DOG FOOD IS FOR!!!!!!!:X
I know what you mean...

When we brought home SweetPea, a friend of mine asked, "Can I just ask....why??" As in why do we have bunnies...why did we get more...etc. (He DID say beforehand, "I mean absolutely NO offense in this...", so that was nice.)

I just responded..."Because they make me happy and they're really wonderful animals. Who WOULDN'T do something they love??"

He literally said in reply that he couldn't argue that, and hasn't said anything since. In fact, I catch him petting them now and then now when he's over.

myLoki wrote:
GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!! haha! We posted at the same time!!:shock:


Moominmoo wrote:
Sounds like she needs the 'Dog Whisperer' to come into her home and retrain her on how to be a successful dog owner.
OMG, I was just thinking that!!
She call's her own dog Hog?!?!? And want him to get run over?!?!?!? Arrrrggggg that's so f***** anoying.:tantrum:I have no idea what you should do about it. Oh mabey go on that froum she's always on complain about her to all her freinds!!! I know it may seem really mean, but she really needs help.

Oh even better idea... Study up on dog training books, and go over to her house. When the dog comes to bite do a troat grab on it!! If you have no idea what I'm talikng about watch the "Dog Whisper". My Grandparents have a dog like this. My dad had to use some of the stuff from dog whisper to even get him to move!! We had to dog sit him once, *ugg*. Or try to train her dog and when she comes out and asked you what your doing to her dogs say, "I'm training them. Can't you tell?'


TK Bunnies wrote:
Oh even better idea... Study up on dog training books, and go over to her house. When the dog comes to bite do a troat grab on it!! If you have no idea what I'm talikng about watch the "Dog Whisper". My Grandparents have a dog like this. My dad had to use some of the stuff from dog whisper to even get him to move!! We had to dog sit him once, *ugg*. Or try to train her dog and when she comes out and asked you what your doing to her dogs say, "I'm training them. Can't you tell?'

Wow, seems like she's less obssessed with dogs in general and more obssessed with THAT dog :shock:
What you've said makes her sound waaaaay like a total nut-case. (Besides, if she REALLY cared about that dog, she'd feed him things that don't poison him :?) Especially since she shows such crazy favoritism in her dogs (One dog is a god, but the other is filthy swine)
I don't think she needs the Dog Whisperer (She probably wouldn't listen to him anyway, from what it seems), I think she needs a therapist :?

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