stress/anxiety....can anyone help?

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
I think I had an anxiety attack last night. All day yesterday my fiance said he felt stressed (his body), which sent me into a worry and I started to feel very uncomfortable and nervous all day.

Last night I was sitting on the couch while watching television and felt a weird head ache, then my head started to get on the inside. I felt like I was going to pass out, my heart started racing, I got shaky on the inside, and felt like I was living in a dream.

I sat on the bathroom floor and held a wet towel to my forehead, while breathing deeply to try to calm myself down. I felt okay, then went into bed and laid down with a wet cloth on the back of my neck and forehead. I felt pretty relaxed.

Now today I am getting weird spells where I shake inside and my head gets a little warm. My head also feels numb today, and I have a burning feeling on the back of my head and down my neck. I feel fine when I lay down and breathe, but still have the burning shaking. I also feel like I am going to die, which I read is a sign of stress and anxiety.

This thread on this forum pretty much expains me, in certain ways:

I have looked it up online and read that these are signs of anxiety and stress. Has anyone ever felt this way before?
I had enough anxiety attacks as I was going through my divorce. They were not about the breaking up, but more-so about how I was going to do it on my own because I had closed my business and had no real source of income.

They were scary when I had them because sometimes my heart would race so fast that it felt like it would jump out of my chest. I also used to cry uncontrollably because my mind would spin nonsense situations out of control. Every one has different symptoms, but many are similar.

What are you worried about? Is it money, getting married, your fiance and his well-being....? Don't just say money and think that is it. What about money...? Not enough? Why is it not enough? Keep asking your self (and your fiance) until you get to the root. Once you are at the very root cause of your worry, then ask yourself what happens then if you don't have enough money for.... What happens then. Will some one die, will you not be able to get something, or go somewhere? Once you figure out the alternatives to your situation, write them down and decide what deserves your utmost attention. Take care of the problem right then and there if you are able to. Talk about your concerns with your fiance. Isn't he supposed to be your sounding board?

If he is the one "causing" your anxiety, approach him with that by saying that you are concerned enough for his well-being that you are becoming sick. Is he having a tough time at work....? Get to the root of what bothers him and address those issues with meaningful conversation. The sooner it is dealt with, the sooner you will be able to move on and have beautifully productive days.

I recently read, How to Stop Worrying, and Start Living, by Dale Carnegie. The book is a bit dated and directed more towards businessmen, but many of the principles are great advice. Find the root cause, pick out the alternatives to the situation, say this alternative seems best, and ride the wave. "True peace of mind comes from accepting the worst."p.13. "Worry, tenseness, and emotional upsets cause fatigue. A tense muscle is a working muscle." p.186 (My jaws are always clenched due to stress. I read that and realized that I did not need to injure my health with what I thought was causing me stress. My jaw relaxed...)

As you can see, I had to write down some of the best bits and pieces for myself to remind myselfthat odds are what I am worrying about is probably insignificant when I get to the root of it.Then I have to count my blessings and not my troubles. The book is worth the readif only to encourage communication within yourself and with your fiance about whatmatters most.

Hope this helps (and that I don't sound too strange :?for sharing) Anxiety attacks are not fun and should not be swept under the rug. Deal with it and move on the best you can to be the best you possible.


Thank you, myheart :).

I have had a lot of stresses lately....

Ryan and I moved into our first house on April 1st...that took a lot of worrying and stress.

I worry about Benson (my foster) because he technically "belongs" to Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and I am waiting to see if I can continue to foster or if I have to sign adoption papers or something.

My temp. foster kitties left yesterday and I have been upset over them leaving. They helped me relax since they would lay down and sit with me.

I am trying to sell tons of animal cages that I have collected over the last year or so, which is tough because no one is replying to my ads.

I schedualed a tattoo appointment at the end of May and I am worried about the pain of it, lol.

My rattie, Leo, is showing his old age...which is super scarey.

I worry too far into the future and I always worry about dumb things. I have always been a severe worry-er.

I feel just fine right now, actually :). I am researching stress relieving things to do/eat, or whatever. I am trying not to think about a racing heart or anxious feelings. I sometimes get the sudden urge to burst into tears and think about all the bad things in life....but that only lasts for about 2 seconds...then I breathe those thoughts right away.
You've had so many new things happening in your life and so many changes - it makes sense for your body to react! I've had them everytime my life got turned upside down on me or I made huge changes, even if they were positive ones. I worry about everything too - my animals, the future. I have to remind myself everynight before bed that everything is fine, and will be fine, no matter what happens, I'll manage... I know my anxiety has a lot to do with things never being consistent in my childhood- I've carried this worry into adulthood that everything is going to change on me in the blink of an eye, and I don't want it to. I have to remind myself, I am in control of my life now, and it's O.K. :)You'll be alright. I hope you can keep Benson and that there are no problems there.
trailsend wrote:
I know my anxiety has a lot to do with things never being consistent in my childhood- I've carried this worry into adulthood that everything is going to change on me in the blink of an eye, and I don't want it to. I have to remind myself, I am in control of my life now, and it's O.K. :)You'll be alright. I hope you can keep Benson and that there are no problems there.

My childhood was horrid, drunken mother and stuff like that. I have always had to be an "adult", so I do worry a lot about being a grown up and stuff like that.

I think I'll be fine...I feel good right now :).
I've had anxiety/panic attacks on and off since I was 15. Controlled breathing helps a lot, it's much easier if you have someone with you who can talk you through it. If you breath deeply and try to imagine all the tension in your muscles, then let it all out when you breath out and imagine it flowing out as you relax. Maybe get Ryan to give you a massage with some aromatherapy oils, it's so calming. Hope you don't get any more and things get a bit easier soon.
I am glad you are feeling better now. Anxiety is a difficult thing to deal with because you may never know what will trigger the excessive emotion-- a smell, a sound, ect.

Anyhow, I wanted to mention a product called Rescue Remedy. It is all natural and a homeopathic stress reliever. You would probably have to go to an all natural market place to find it. My massage therapist recommended it to me during my divorce, and now I carry a bottle with me all the time just in case. It is a liquid that you can add to water or put a few drops under you tongue for faster calming.

Other than that, I was going to suggest talking your problems out (and not in your head), exercise (makes you breathe), watch caffeine intake, and if you can afford massages, do it. It is amazing the amount of bad memories your muscles hold on to. Get rid of the garbageout of your body.

One last thing that I picked out of the book mentioned earlier: Isolate today--put it in a vacuum. Yesterday's stuff is in the past and we know nothing about about tomorrow because it is the future. Today is all we know...

Congratulations on the house -- What fun decorating (within budget of coarse)

I know about having a pet that isn't technically yours. I housed an ex-show dog for a few years. I tried not to get too close to her because she wasn't mine, one of my biggest regrets wasn't loving her with my heart because she had given me hers... Anyhow, jump on some one's butt ASAP to find out what needs to be done if you want to keep him.

Your foster kitties were very special to you. If they went into another foster home, find out about adopting them for good. Otherwise I have a couple of brats to send to you ...

I wish you lived in my area. I might need more rabbit cages especially if TreasuredFriend has anything to say about it... I know you haven't had your house for long, but maybe some one you know is going to have a rummage sale. A few bucks back are better than nothing.

Tattoos are not that bad depending on the amount of detail. I put it on the same level as getting your ears pierced. What are you getting? Not sure if I should ask where... I would be interested in seeing a pic. I would like to get another one myself of rabbits all stretchy and bunchy going around my ankle area. I just can't find anything the shops provide, so I might have to come up with the pattern myself.

Sorry to hear your rattie is aging, but aren't we all. Enjoy the time you have together!!!! We all have to part ways at some point, and there is never a good time to do lose a friend. We will all support you no matter what happens.

As far a worrying about too far into the future...STOP IT!!!! Make today the best day of your life. Bad days and bad things will come up, but if you didn't have them you wouldn't know what thegood days are really like. Put the peace in your heart, love those around you, and enjoy what is essential because those are the things that cannot be seen with the eyes.

Peace to ya all,

Sorry, I forgot to mention that if all of this fails, take a look at MsBinky's Bam-Bam eating a strawberry in the thread "Bam-Bam and his love of...". I am soo in love with those pictures (especially the second one). His tiny little bunny mouth melts my heart every time I look at it. lol

i know where you are comming from. my anxiety and depression were so bad this year i spend a couple days at a phyciatric day hospital. i had such sever anxiety after that that i didn't go to school for about a month. it sucked, but everyting is under contol, at least for the most part.

i had a sever anxiety attack on tuesday. it was SO bad. for me, my mind races and i start getting jittery and i feel like i need to keep moving or i will explode or somthing.

the breathing thing doesn't really work for me, but it just might be because i don't like my counsler and she was the one who suggested it. what works best for me is going and sitting with my buns, just watching them, laying on the ground and letting them sniff you.

if you need to talk just pm me
You guys are a big help!

I really appreciate your posts, myheart :hug:, you are very comforting! tattoos (I am actually getting two, since it's a chest peice) are of two rabbits. Like this, but changed up a little bit and add some lavendar/purple roses in bloom around the bunnies (not too much). They will be jumping down-wards on my chest, just like pictured. The bunnies' back feet will start up on my shoulders. The detail will be evened out, as to not look too cluttered.


Ah... panic attacks. I've suffered a few of those in my time. Sometimes I know what triggered them and sometimes I don't. Of the 10 or so attacks I've had only two have been triggered by specific events or people.

It's a horrible feeling. I start sweating profusely (I don't sweat much). I feel like I'm trapped and I can't breathe. My chest is tight and my heart is racing. I can't stop shaking. I HAVE to get out of where ever I am. I mean I HAVE to or I think I'll die. As soon as I get outside, I can start to get control of myself. I do controlled breathing and some chants to help me through. I haven't had one in about two years and I'm SOOO happy. Find what works for you and use it, but you really have to commit to it or you'll just psych yourself out and flip again.

Oh! And it's really important that you don't start fearing the panic attacks because then you can trigger them more easily for no reason.

That is going to be a lovely tat. Don't worry about the pain, it's nothing! Most of my piercings were worse than my tat. It will be sore afterwards though make sure you have lots of loose clothes that won't rub it too much.

My bunny foot tattoo is in the works, I've had the first draft of it from the artist and I can't wait to see it finished. We should all make a rabbit related body art thread. :biggrin2:

About Benson, I would seriously tell the the rabbit rescue where to go if they say you can't keep him. He belongs to you now, and you didn't sign any contracts, the previous owners voided the contract so it's between him and the shelter. I don't see how they have any legal right to him now. My dogs first owner signed contracts when he bought them, he broke them by selling him on in the first place. I have spoken to the breeder about it and I am under no obligation to take up any of the rules on the contract since I didn't sign it. If he wants to do anything about it he would have to sue the bloke who voided the contract but the dog now belongs to me. I'm sure they'll let you keep him anyway, but if they don't then pull some legal stuff out on them, hopefully they'll leave you alone.
Love your tattoo design. Sounds like a lot of work. I have never had one on my chest, so I am not too sure how sensitive the area is. I really hope it turns out the way you anticipate it will.

I was thinking about taking my designs out of a Velveteen Rabbit book by Donna Green who does beautiful illustrations. I would just have to shrink them down a bit to fit around my ankle. There could be a bunchy bun, a stretchy bun, and a dancing bun. It would look like a really cool anklet of bunny charms.

Do let us know how it turns out and if you have any otherconcerns you need to discuss. Take the good ideas, throw out the bad or impossible ideas, and move on. I like it that we are all here for each other's support at all times. I am also glad I broke the ice on this topic because there are more people out there who suffer from panic attacks than we know. An issue that should be addressed because they are debilitating for some.

I am glad this thread came up. I was having a bit of problem with anxiety, very rare for me, which makes it worse. Normally I am very chill and nothing except leaving my animals can get me stressed. Now, I haven't had a panic attack I don't think, but I have been stressing. However, I don't get headaches. My breath goes away from me and my stomach drops. I was going to post a topic, but now I don't have to. I'll just lurk on this one.
The one thing I have found that helps is meditation. Basically making everything leave your brain except one small passage. I use a bible scripture that, although pretty, doesn't really have much thelogical issues that go along with it for me. The reason is that then my mind wont wander like it would if I used a heavey verse or part of a song.
Unfortunatly meditation doesn't work when you are trying to pay attention to a professor in class, so I am going to have to figure something else out, since that is when I stress the most. (It isn't even in one of my hard courses, go figure.) Luckilly I only have one more day of school for the semester and then finals.
My bestest girl friend started having panic and anxiety attacks about6 years agoand the dr's put her on Xanax and Zoloft; A couple of months ago she up and went off her Zoloft and really had a hard time, arescue friend of hers told her ofRescue Remedy and she started taking it - she says that stuff has REALLY workedfor her..Good luck and the only other advice is to hug a bunny...