Strange pooping behavior

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Good news on more poops!!! Sounds like thingsare "moving" and hopefully the size will come back soon!! They suredon't like their meds, but somewhere, somehow she knows your trying tohelp her and she'll thank you for it in the long run!
JimD wrote:
BunnyMom wrote:
Speaking ofstrange pooping behavior, last night when I came home I laid down onthe bed. Hef hopped up on me, licked my face, pooped on mystomach and ran away.:X Nice greeting!

:laugh:.....a drive-by pooping!

Sometimes I think we should have named him "Triumph", after the dog wholoves to poop on things! But he does need to learn that"Mommy" is off the list of things to poop on!

Lissa, so glad to hear your little one is improving! I'm sureshe doesn't really think you're a bad mommy. Even if shedoesn't like the medicine, she'll be glad for it later!:)
Iszy isa CHAMP!! :muscleman:She ispooping and eating her hay again. I feel sowonderful!!! We have to keep her on the meticlopromide (sp)(that the vet prescribed) for another 4 days but she's doing sogreat. I think we got it beat!!!
:jumpforjoy: Way to go, Iszy!

:blueribbon: Good Job, Mom, in getting her to take those meds!

Was out of townover the weekend but am just now catching up on your post. Sounds likeonce again you are so in tune with your bunny that you caught ontosomething being off with her right away. The earlytreatmenthad to have helped her pull through so quickly andwith such success. Good job, you're a good bunny Momma! :)

:highfive: WTG!!!! Lissa , Hopefullythis will keep it from comingback again .

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