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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Last night when Basil was out and about, she waschinning on everything, which isn't anything new, but then she went toOrion's cage and was chinning it. He came over to the sideand was poking his nose out at her. I expected her to reactbadly, but she just kept chinning on his nose. If he wouldmove to poke his nose out somewhere else, she would move there and chinon him. She loves all the buns, except Daisy, those girlsjust won't get along, but this was extreme. I'm not sure ifthis means something in the rabbit world, but it was comical at thevery least.

Should I be worried that Cosmo has never chinnedanything? Is this something that some rabbits do and somedon't? Maybe it's something they start doing when they'reolder? Does anyone have a rabbit that doesn't chin?


bunsforlife wrote:
Cosmo might not be a dominant or territorial bun =)
Thanks! you know that's very true...whilehe is avery squirmy bun (won't let me hold him), he really isn'tterritorial. I can do whatever I want in his cage and he'lljust observe what I'm doing, maybe give my hand a nudge ortwo. He really has never gotten aggressive with me for doinganything in his cage or taking him out of his cage. I hope hedoesn't get more aggressive as he gets older. I'm getting himneutered in about a month and a half.

Also, Cosmo has never licked I know thisis something rare that rabbits only do when they really love you, but Iwant kisses soo badd!!!

Tell me if you have never gotten a bunny kiss so I don't feel so alone...

If Cosmo is letting you hold him, gently scratchunder his front legs while he's laying on you. Bo simply goescrazy when I do that and scratch his back hips, above his tail, and onhis spine. Thing is, they usually will lick you while you doit. I end up with a wet shirt. He thinks my shirtsare my fur so he grooms me that way LOL!
Thanks for the tip, but the most laying on meCosmo would do is if he walks over me while I'm laying down..haha,he'll enjoy a pet for a while, but not if it involves being in mylap...maybe I'm expecting too much too soon...I know he loves me, andhe circles my feet and hops after me everywhere, but he just doesn'ttrust being restrained by me yet...

however the one time he didn't mind me holding him was when we were atour new vet recently...he allowed me to carry him and he sat on my lapwhile we were waiting for the doctor..perhaps being in an unfamiliarplace made him want to cling to me more...

Yep, give him time. You have toremember, we got Bo when he was a little baby who had been in a barnwith other bunnies all of his life.

We brought him home and he got a blankie, and goodies, and I held him all the time, so he just got used to it.

Granted, he still decides "Enough is enough! Woman!" and takes off from me :p
Bo B Bunny wrote:
We brought him home and he got a blankie, and goodies, and I held him all the time, so he just got used to it.
See, but my big thing is that "holding them all time" can be such acatch 22 kind of's either, hold them all the time andthey get used to it....or hold them all the time and they start to hateyou and hate all interaction with you! I try to find a happymedium with him...

sorry to keep replying and starting posts with all these concerns, butI'm just so hung up on all of these things, I'm constantly worryingabout something!!!

Thanks for being there,

It's ok. Yeah, I know what youmean. If you hold them too much sometimes they become verystandoffish.

Don't worry. It will all work out in time. Play with him, lay down and let him walk over you, etc. LOL!
bunnies have a spot on their hind end, above thetail. If you rub that spot a certain way, all bunnies I havecome in contact with will start to lick whatever is in front of thierface. =)
I just love it when rabbits chin everything insight! It's one of the cutest things ever.... I've noticed thatCinnabun (my first boy bunny ever) chins everything and anything....and especially loves to chin anything that belongs to my hubby. I feelthat the hubby should feel honored, but i dont think he realized thesignificance of my bunny claiming my hubby as his property!
Remember how I posted yesterday, complainingabout how comso never licked me...well I was reading the language oflagamorphs and it says:

"Some rabbits will lick objects around you, rather than your body orthe clothes you're wearing. This is used to indicate that they like youvery much even though you're a subordinate. It will be performed veryclearly in your view and while watching you. They seem particularly tochoose objects that have your scent, such as places where you sit orclothing you're removed. I think it's fair to interpret this as givingyou the gift of being groomed, though indirectly."

This makes me feel good because Cosmo is always licking the thingsaround me...he also licks everything in his cage..(the cage floor, thecage bars, his "chewbular" tube)..hehe

LOL! I didn't know that! It sure does make sense tho!

Hmm, I wonder if I am more of an "equal" to Bo since he grooms me directly! LOL!

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