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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
ozark, Alabama, USA
i was just wondering if rabbits get scared duringthunder storms, because we have had so many here in the last few daysthat i have lost count!

( there is one happening now)
My bunnies thump a little when they hearthunder. It's amazing how sensitive they can be to thingslike that.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a VERY minor earthquake. Mybunnies were scared and thumping like crazy that morning about an hourbefore it happened. We couldn't figure it out until we heardthe news!


when we have thunder storms they get scared veryeasily, especialy when i go out to check on them after the storm theythink that i am a predator and that i am going to hurt them.
We just had a thunder/lightening storm. I go madwhen there are storms, i stand outside, right as the temperture dropcomes, i'll stand with my arms outstretched, then watch as the rain andrain clouds pass in front of me and then over my body. A little weird,but i love storms! I love the fear and excitment.

My cat gave birth two nights ago, can't find the kittens:?:(she hid them good this time!
