Storage Suggestions For Greens

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The absolute best way to keep greens is in thosenew Ziplock containers (the old ones don't have the same sort of seal)!They are made so you have to press in the middle of the lid to closeand in that way it acts like a vacuum and will keep greens fresh for anamazingly long period of time.

My mom put green peppers in one of those containers and they lasted for3 weeks no problem when in normal Tupperware they start to go sort ofslimy in a week.

Just today I took what's left of the Romain lettuce, took the partsthat were starting to get old off with my hands, ripped up the goodstuff, washed and dried it in a salad spinner and put them into Ziplockcontainers. We'll see how well that keeps the salad. :)
Thanks! I have tonsof those ziplock reusable containers around but never thought aboutusing them for greens. I use them for leftovers! ;)

I'm going to have to try that too!!

I really wish I could have a garden to grow things for Wrigley, butevery year we haveour garden the wild rabbits who live in ouryard eat everything that Wrigley would eat lol I love havingthe bunnies live out in theyard though. It's socool to watch them through the window as they eat out of thegarden. There is special spot that they live in the yardevery year and we always have little baby bunnies running through theyard. I think they like our yard so much because it'sfenced. We have a dog that chases them all the time, but theyknow that he can't catch them. :D
I had to go back and find this, because I learned something today:

If your veggies get wilted/dried out you can soak them in a solution of1 qt water to 1Tbsp of vinegar and it will revive them. Itried it with dandelion greens I found in the bottom of my fridge lastnight and it worked...really quickly too.
I have used air tight containres for "greens" and had no problems,

I keep the container in the crisper drawer in the fridge and it works well for me.

The paper towel idea is great, it soaks up any excess moisture, Ijust normally place 1 piece of towel in the bag or container and itdoes the trick.

Bindy isn't on greens yet but we humans eat them all the time in our family LOL:p

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