Stop BSL!!

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Do you think pit bulls should be gotten rid of??

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Where I volunteer I see alot of pitbulls and other bully type breeds. Yes, some of them are "dangerous dogs" but so are most of the chi's that come in there. I think the real problem is with the owners.

Pam, you said yourself that the owners of the dog that went after your son on his bike were drunk. Clearly they were not being responsible owners. Is it the dog's fault that it was able to chase your son, no. No dog should be allowed to run free. That's why leash laws exist.

One of the dangers of BSL is that it makes people more comfortable with dogs that aren't banned. Many people don't realize the dangers of other breeds like huskies that are notoriously bad with children. Other people simply don't take the necesary precautions they should take with any strange dog.

Yes, perhaps some dogs aren't meant to be around children, but should we kill off that breed? No. People simply need to be aware of the dangers surrounding any animal.
undergunfire wrote:
I am more afraid of small dogs than I am of large dogs.

I'm afraid of all dogs. Almost as much as spiders. :shock:

Just thought I'd mention that Pitbulls are illegal in Northern Ireland, along with3 other breeds, the dogo argentino, the fila brasileira and the Japanese tosa (I have no idea what they are, they were virtually unknown in NI before the law came in in 1991). Recently there was a big Pitbull amnesty, because a 5year oldwas killed by one,it was all over the news.

I personally don't think they should be destroyed unless they've attacked someone, butI also think they shouldn't be bred in the first place.

Of course it's not the dog'sfault, but they are so dangerous, so it's necessary to take precautions and make restrictions for human safety. Yes it is the owner's fault for not training it or locking it up, but you can hardly blame an innocent child who it kills when it gets loose. :(

Michaela wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
I am more afraid of small dogs than I am of large dogs.

but you can hardly blame an innocent child who it kills when it gets loose. :(

well not to sound to rude becuase death is no funny topic.

But many children are NEVER taught how to act around dogs. Whe I go to the dog park. People bring their kids and let there kids run all over like it is a dog petting zoo. Chasing dogs with sticks and rocks. So in realtiy if parents bring their kids and let them actlike that , it may have been the kids fault.
Since I am an animal lover and not so much a people lover....

I think parents need to start TRAINING their childred about animals.

If a child pulls on a DOG'S tail and the dog turns around and bites the child in the face......who's fault was it? All fingers point to the parent and the child.

If a child pulls on a CAT'S tail and the cat turns around and claws the child in the face.....who's fault was it? All fingers point to the parent and to the child.

I absolutely can not stand cats at all and I have to live with three of them. I dislike every thing about cats and don't really think they should live inside of a house....just as most people hate dogs and don't think they should live inside of a house.

But yet.....I would never say that all cats should be euthanized just because they are cats.

A dog is an animal and has certain instincts that will go into full force when they feel threatened.
I agree with you Amy, (well except for I hate dogs and love cats so just just that part reversed :p), children should be taught how to behave towards animals, parents who don't teach them, well, that's a bit stupid. :? And no animal should be killed because it's an animal, if it's hurt someone that's a different story, but normally that is very, very wrong.

But it's easy to see how a child, not used to dogs (or any animal for that matter), would panic when faced with one, particularly a big one. I would panic faced with a dog, no I wouldn't throw something at it or pull it's tail,but I would be very scared that it would hurt me. The dog may feel provoked, and attack on instinct, true. That doesn't make it ok though, and doesn't explain away tiny babies being killed by them.

It really does all come down to stupid irresponsible owners. :(
I think there need to be better laws and better enforcement for "dangerous dog" laws. These target the individual dogs and problem owners that actually cause the problems. Licensing should be enforced, and I do like that some cities charge more to license an intact dog. I also like a law I heard of once where if an intact owned dog was caught running free by Animal Control too many times, even with proper tags, it would be spayed/neutered before the owner was allowed to get it back. This helps both with population control and with dangerous dogs as intact animals are generally more aggressive.

I don't like breed laws at all. For one thing, few people can properly identify a pit bull. I have friends and a neighbor who have purebred boxers that people have called "pit bulls." And what about mixed breeds? How much pit bull is ok in a dog's heritage? Two of my friends have adopted dogs that probably have some pit bull in them. They are both sweet and loving dogs and have never been aggressive. Would mixed dogs like them be banned?

I definately agree with Undergunfire about small dogs having worse attitudes. I've played with lots of dogs- Rottweilers, Pit bull mixes, German Shepards, Labs, Golden Retrievers, Dacshounds, Toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Pugs, etc. The only one that ever bit me? A really nasty toy poodle! Meanwhile, a Rottweiler/Husky was the one that helped me get over my life-long fear of dogs. She's a doll and I love her, and she's not even mine.

I really like this site. The next two quotes are from it.

According to the American Canine Temperament Testing Association, 82.5%of the American Pit Bull Terriers that took the temperament test passed, compared to a 77% passing rate for all breeds on average. In the test a dog is placed in a series of confrontational situations. The first sign of aggression or panic is a failure of the test. Pit Bulls have achieved the fourth highest passing rate of all 122 breeds tested. Click here to view an article on the new Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that there is no genetic evidence that one breed of dog is more dangerous than another.

It is estimated that there are 60,000 Pit Bulls in the City of Chicago alone. This number is so high because people are breeding them for the wrong reasons. Most of them are living in hostile surroundings. It is an amazing testimony to the breed that although 95% of these animals suffer abuse/neglect, we rarely hear of any problems. One analogy is, if there was a sudden increase of people being injured by red cars, would we ban red cars? No! common sense would dictate that red is more popular color choice.

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Breed-specific legislation is opposed by the AKC, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Animal Control Association, the ASPCA, the National Animal Interest Alliance, and a host of national animal welfare organizations that have studied the issue and recognize that targeting breeds simply does not work.[/font]
I am aganist banning any specific breed. It is not the dog, its the owner. All dogs, no matter breed, size or purpose should be trained and kept on a leash unless in an off leash area. I have 2 small dogs and I dont let them get away with much. For them, the park is a privilage, if the misbehave they go on the leash.

In Calgary we have Dangerous Dog Legislation. Basically if a dog attacks a person, they can be declard dangerous. The dog would then have to be on a short leash and musled in public, must always be contained, have a special licence and signs posted on the owners property. This allows dogs that pose a threat to society to be dealt with that only affects dogs that have done something. I think it is a good way to keep people safe from dangerous dogs while allowing dogs that have done nothing to be free. So no BSL and no auto PTS for dogs that attack people.
As the owner of three dogs ( a golden retriever, a full blood rottweiler and a rotten shepherd) I am against BSL. My rottie is a 5y/o rescue. She is sweet as can be. She gives kisses, thinks she is a lap dog (at a100lbs I need a bigger lap!!) and would never intentionally hurt a child. That being said do I leave my 16m/o grandson alone with her? No I do not. But I will not leave him alone with any of my dogs. Because of the fact that they are dogs and if they are injured may react in a way which would hurt him. I also know that they do not understand what their play can do to a child. It is MY responsibility as a dog owner to keep an eye on them.

Parents DO need to teach their children how to act around dogs. My neighbor's 6y/o daughter is continually sticking her arm through the fence. I have asked and asked and asked and BEGGED them to get her to stop doing this. It is not that I think Stormie would bite her because I know she would not. But I am afraid that 100lbs of dog if she hits that little girl's arm will break it. Stormie loves to stand up on the fence to have her belly rubbed. The girl's grandfather rubs Stormie's belly all of the time. I just wish they would respect my wishes in not doing this because now the child thinks she should do it as well.

As to it always being Pits, rotties, dobes, etc. Last year one of the 2nd grade girls on my bus was attacked by the neighbor's dog. She had over 50 lacerations on her arms from this dog grabbing on and not letting go. She missed a week of school, had to go to the emergency room and is now very afraid of dogs. It was a labrador retriever that bit her. A dog that the owner's KNEW was dangerous. Yet they continued to let this dog roam the neighborhood. He at one point went after the tires on my bus. He had bit several people. They were advised to put him down. Last I heard he is being hidden at a family member's out in the country. Who knows when he will bite again.

My neighbor's have a chihuahua that has repeatedly tried to bite me and my sons. It is a 4lb dog which is meaner than sin. Their reasoning is he's old. I have warned them if he bites me or mine that will be that. I don't have to worry too much now though as the chi is afraid of Stormie's bark.

I guess it just boils down to it's not the breed it's the owner. You have to be responsible for your pets. Whether it's a pit, a rott, a golden, a chihuahua or even your pet boa constrictor. You know what your pet is capable of and need to make sure that precautions are taken when necessary. I mean if you have a pet boa would you let it sleep in the crib with your newborn child? I really hope the answer to that is no. So why let a dog sleep on the bed with your child? It's common sense which sadly many in this world lack.




Michaela wrote:
Just thought I'd mention that Pitbulls are illegal in Northern Ireland, along with3 other breeds, the dogo argentino, the fila brasileira and the Japanese tosa (I have no idea what they are, they were virtually unknown in NI before the law came in in 1991). Recently there was a big Pitbull amnesty, because a 5year oldwas killed by one,it was all over the news.
When I was on holiday in SI I remember there being a bit on the news about how certain 'dangerous dogs' were being banned from council estates and people were getting really mad about having to give up their beloved pets. I can't remember all the breeds but German shepherd and pitbull were in there.:?
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Michaela wrote:
Just thought I'd mention that Pitbulls are illegal in Northern Ireland, along with3 other breeds, the dogo argentino, the fila brasileira and the Japanese tosa (I have no idea what they are, they were virtually unknown in NI before the law came in in 1991). Recently there was a big Pitbull amnesty, because a 5year oldwas killed by one,it was all over the news.
When I was on holiday in SI I remember there being a bit on the news about how certain 'dangerous dogs' were being banned from council estates and people were getting really mad about having to give up their beloved pets. I can't remember all the breeds but German shepherd and pitbull were in there.:?
The law is different down in the south, I'm not sure what they are. It's just 4 breeds up here. They really had a big crack down on Pitbulls,think it was the police whotook themthem and euthanized them. :?People shouldn't have had them in the first place as they've been illegal for 16 years, but still was quite upsetting to watch (on the news) people being so devastated about losing their pets. :(I can't imagine how awful that would be. :(
I have had two pit bulls in my lifetime and my cousin bred them... none of them ever bit anyone(not even a nip)...i think owners do need to be more responsible if they are going to own them...Iwon'town one now that I have cousins little girl almost died when her step grandmothers mutt attacked her and grabbed her be the throat... there for any dog can have thepotintial threat to attack people... my grandmas chihuahua would attack us if we got to close to my grandma...
In answer to why does a dog attack a baby. Why does a parent leave a baby alone in the same room as a dog!! A bit of responsibility please and how about all the things we aren't told by the news and papers hmmmm They just want shock tactics so you never get the full story and they just scaremonger people.

I am so fed up of people penalising these dogs and making out they are monsters.

People also pass fear on and it annoys me to see kids taking a freak over a dog and the parents feeding that fear, it should be something thats taught in schools to respect animals and be shown how to handle them and treat them and respect them for what they are. Then perhaps people wouldn't be decapitating rabbits and starving animals and annoying dogs!!

If a dog is nippy even if it is with other dogs muzzle it!! But really it is up to the owner to ensure that behaviour like that is shown as unacceptable to the dog.

With our dog (and all dogs play with their mouths) Bruce trained her from the start that it is not acceptable to bite. He did this by putting his hand over her bottom jaw with his hand right to the back of her mouth so she couldn't bite down you will never meet a dog more soft mouthed than our Suzi. IT IS ALL IN THE TRAINING!!
every1 thinks that pitbulls LOOk like monsters. But pitbulls are actually pretty cute! the pure bred ones, as well as the mix bred. But some people breed them with other bulldogs and suchto look horrible and mean looking. My dads friend has two pitbulls, a pure bred and a mix, and they look REALLy diffrent.

Some complete strangers sometimes hurt and even kill pitbulls because they are that type of breed. I feel so bad for the innocent pitbulls that people have hurt, and killed JUST because they are a diffrent breed. WHy should they be punihsed just because of their breed or their parents breed??:nono
I'm kind of split. I do think its the way the dog is raised that makesi t behave how it does later in life, and that some breeds are more prone to agression. Breeds do have specific personalities but there are always exceptions. Sometimes a pomeranian is just as likely to gnaw through y our spine as a pit bull is. The way the dog is brought up is mostly responsible for its adult behavior. This is with any dog. Not just pits.

There are pit bulls who are satanic and there are pit bulls who would lose ina fight against a butterfly.

I do think you should ''punish the deed not the breed''. There's a lot of racism towards people, and I know people always associate the young black men as being violent gangsters but its not always true. Its how they're always portrayed in movies too and its sad. It would be like locking up people just because of how their race is stereo typed, wether they personally did anything wrong or not.

Though pit bulls seem to have a high tendency of being agressive, or turning out that way. It is what's been bred into them. The breed was designed to be a fighting dog. Just as a tiger has been shaped by nature to be a killer.

Why don't we just start a new breeding program to refine the personality of the pitt bulls and other ''dangerous'' breeds? Maybe they should start making laws restricting their breeding and upbringing, that kennels breeding these dogs should have to be under a lot of random inspections and meet a lot of minimum requirements. I'ms ure eventually we can come up with a pit with lesser aggressive tendencies that what seems to float through the breed's blood today.

Iw as appalled to see that huskies were ont hat list. They're crazy and insane and they get into EVERYTHING but they wouldn't hurt anybody. yeesh.



I share my bed with these two morons. MY BED.
Any breed of dog can be dangerous under the right circumstances.

A few years ago I was attacked by a labrador that was roaming the streets. It came at me from across the road while I was walking, grabbed me by my arm until I fell over on my front and dragged me off the footpath and onto the road. I suffered severe grazing up my forearm and calf that has left ugly dark scared patches in those areas. They wept and bleed for a couple of weeks :(, and hurt so bad I couldn't sleep, thobbing and burning feeling for so long.

Other dog attacks I've seen or been a part of have mostly imvolved standard poodles, a bichon and alsations.

My grandma has 3 dogs, a bichon, a lab cross and a staffidshore terrior cross, and all three I love to bits.

I would never want to ban an animal, I'd love to ban some bad owners though.

Just keep in mind that ANY dog, even loved family members, can and do turn on their humans for unkown reasons.
Actually pit bulls and rottweilers are banned over here to many young children were just being mauled by these dogs,young children have even lost their lives by being attacked by these dogs.

NZminilops wrote:
Just keep in mind that ANY dog, even loved family members, can and do turn on their humans for unkown reasons.
So true,a lot of young children have gotten hurt or mauled from their loving family dog,that they have had for years:shock:
Just about 3 weeks ago..a little 8 week old baby lost it's life through the family's pet dog...i cannot remember what kind of dog it was now

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