Stomach gurgling

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Apr 23, 2005
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Nanning, China and Mountain Home, Arkansas
Maybe I worry about my rabbit too much! I'm in acity whereprobably are notany rabbit vets.Sometimes my rabbit seems so lethargic, especially during the day. I'massuming this is normal, right? She likes running around in the morningwhen I get up, and late at night. But during the day, she'll just flopdown in different places and rest or snooze.

I'm also concerned because I'm only feeding her vegetables. It's notpossible to get pellets or canned pumpkin here, and I haven't made theeffort to find hay. Perhaps someone needs to scold me! I might be ableto find rolled oats at a German store (Metro) here, but I don't thinkthe Chinese stores have this kind of oats, just the quick-cooking kind.

She worried me this evening, by just laying around and not even wantingthe carrot piece I offered her. I've never known her to turn down acarrot! But then as I started to write this, I heard her get up and runaround a little. I offered the carrot again and she took it. Just nowshe's done a few binkies on my bed. It's 11 pm, so maybe it was justher late-night gear kicking in.

Her poops aren't the string of pearl poops that I've read about here,but I looked closely at them just now and there is hair at one end ofher poopies. And sometimes when I pet her, I can hear her stomachgurgling.

Any advice is appreciated, but keep in mind that I live in a developingcountry and have limitations on what I can find here. My rabbit hasalready lived longer (about 8 months) than other rabbits I have heardabout here (from students and teachers' children), but I certainlydon't want to lose her now. I think I am just over-reacting to herlazing around the house today. Well, I had six hours of class, so I'mnot sure what she did then, though she was in her cage while I was goneand she usually sleeps or eats in her cage.

Sorry I'm rambling. This board has been very helpful to me!

Nancy in Xi'an, China, home of the Terracotta Warriors
Hi ChinaBun,

Rabbits often sleep during the day and are most active at dawn anddusk. Hearing that your little one was doingbinkies on the bed is very encouraging. As to vegetables,just be careful because some have more sugar in them thanothers. Does her stomach gurgle a lot or once in a greatwhile? Did she eat today? Have you taken a look ather teeth to see of you see any problems? Sorry forall the questions.

After I turned off the computer last night I fedQingqing and she ate like a hog. I guess she either wasn't hungryearlier or didn't feel well. Maybe there are times she would rather layaround than eat.

She's fine this morning. I haven't checked her teeth yet. The gurgling was just occasional, and for a few seconds.

Carrots are her favorite, but she only gets a half carrot aday(at most) because of the sugar. I'm not sure what otherveggies are high in sugar. Her second favorite vegetable is eggplant,then cauliuflower, then brocolli, then anything green and leafy, thencucumber, then cabbage. She doesn't like squash or turnips. I tried aturnip a few days ago, because a seller at the vegetable market said"Tuzi xihuan" ("rabbits like"). But she didn't xihuan. I'm wondering ifI bothered her digestion by giving her brocolli that had been in myfridge for a week and a half. It still looked fine to me.

She did a few binkies while I was writing this. I think I'm worrying too much. :?


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