Well, thanks to all of you for all the real nicereplies. Right now she is sleeping so I am able to try andmake the house look like adults live here and not teenagers!
Sunday night around 10pm, I went into labor. Waited until midnight towake up Dave, as they went from 20 mins apart, to ten, to five, in anhour and were getting STRONG. All those Braxton Hicks I had beenhaving...pffft. A backrub compared to the real deal! LOL
Anyway, I got to the hospital around 1:15am and went from 3cm dialtedto fully dialated in less than an hour. Finally had to get an epi, asthe contractions were on to of each other and very hard, plus it wasall back labor. Theneverything stalled as she wasn'tdescending and wasn't in the proper position. I ended up getting a highfever and high blood pressure and almost had to have a c section, butwas able to deliver her naturally and only pushed for 15 minutes. The whole labor lasted 12 hours.
It is wonderful having her here finally and we couldn't be happier. My mom says she looks just like me when I was a baby.