Starting the bonding process

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2012
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I will admit that my first set of bunnies and I didn't probably bond the correct way. I was so excited to have them that I instantly had them out with me all the time and sort of forced them to love me :flowerskiss: We did end up very close and they would groom me and love on me, but this time around I'd like to do it correctly. It has been about 24 hours that I have let him have some time alone to acclimate in his new home. How should I start with him? What would you do? I offered a treat, but his eyes got very big and he didn't seem like he felt safe taking it. I want this to be comfortable for the little guy :confused: What to do?
Ignore him! Thats a good way to get a bunny to pay attention to you! Open up his cage door and let him get out by himself, so you don't have to pick him up and scare him.
Let him decide when to come out and you sit/lay on the floor and read a book or use your laptop/tablet. Or just sit and watch tv. Don't interact with him. Let him explore the room and get his bearings about him. Rabbits are so curious, he'll probably come up to you and sniff you. Even if he doesn't come up to you, he still knows your there. So he'll get used to your presence. You'll need to do this in a bunny proof environment, that way he can't get into anything.

With my baby bunny that I have now, she's only about 8 weeks old, I got her a week and a half ago. She was too little for me to let out like that, so I put a towel down on the couch and she would sit with me on the couch and do her own thing and I would feed her pellets. I did that for lunch and dinner pellets. NOW that she's bigger, she can be in the kitchen without being lost, so I go in and sit in the floor and play with my phone or laptop or do whatever and she hops in my lap and loves all over me. So even though I pay attention to her, I ignore her a lot of the time too, since she's still skittish and getting used to everyone.

Oh and treats help! Feed him his pellets and he'll think its special! Or get raisins or craisins and cut them in half and feed him a few of those. But remember its 2 tsp of fruit per 6 lbs of body weight. I would also start out slow on the fruit, you don't want to upset his tummy.
With a new bunny, I think it's best to leave them alone in new cage for 48 hours minimum.

When you do open the door, do just that: open it and let him come out on his own and only as far as he feels comfortable going. I also agree to ignore him and let him learn to feel safe.
Man, ignoring a cute, new bunny is harder than you'd think!
Do you think it would be helpful for him to sleep by my bed? His current cage is on wheels, so i could just wheel him into my room (He will have to be confined to this cage until he is litter trained). I thought maybe if he saw me reading at night and then sleeping that would be a good non threatening bonding experience. What do you think?
I would keep him where he's at. I'm guessing he's now in the room you are in the most during the day, right? I think moving him right now, would be upsetting to him, as he is just getting used to his new home. You want to give him time to get completely comfortable with his surroundings. I think once he is totally used to his new home, and he's over his nervousness and want's to spend more time with you, then it may not be upsetting to him to be wheeled into your room, but i would wait til he's a happy little bun first.

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