Okay I don't think I've ever shared Stanley'sstory on here so I thought I would. I got Stanley the week beforeThanksgiving. I had been going to the Pet Store with my mom and lookingat him because he was so cute and the only lop there.
One day we went and looked at him a little then left, then came backagain to see him. We stared at him a long time, then my mom says: 'Nowthis is going to be an early christmas present okay?', and I looked ather and was so excited because I knew that meant I would get my bunny.
I stood there and guarded Stanley while mom went and got a helper. Icouldn't bear to think of anyone getting him while we were looking forhelp. The lady came and picked him up and I got to hold him while wewalked around the store buying his cage and food and supplies. He wasso tiny then!
So we paid for everything, and he was put in a box that I held on theway home, which was about 5 minutes away. We put him in my room and lethim hop around while we watched him, letting him get used toeverything. Then I went and called my best friend, who wants a bunnybut can't have one.
She says 'Are you serious? You got a rabbit?' and was so shocked.:shock: So I talked to her for a minute about him then I went and setup Stanley's cage. We were sitting there watching him and my mom andbrother were wondering what I would name him. I had made a list ofnames for if I ever got a bunny, and told mom what they were.
Then my bro says something weird like Pakistan, I don't know why, andmom says 'Stan, or Stanley?' I'm like oh yeah because I forgot aboutthat one and I thought about it a minute and his name became Stanley.He was going to be able to roam my room all day and be in his cage atnight, but after he chewed my furniture he had to get put up.
Sorry for the long post, I just remembered I'd never put his story onhere, and I thought it was kind of cool how I got him.
