Standard Chins

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You might want to get in on the Drift that is being planned on the Chinchillarabbits yahoo group right now. It might enable you to diversify your genes if you think it's needed.
Violet Crumble wrote:
You might want to get in on the Drift that is being planned on the Chinchillarabbits yahoo group right now. It might enable you to diversify your genes if you think it's needed.
I think i am already in the drift. Not sure if the op is or not.
A Drift is a planned, yearly transport system made up of breeders and exhibitors in order to enable the migration of the valuable genetics of our rare and endangered rabbit breeds to parts of the country that, without the Drift, would be unable to diversify their gene pools because most herds are isolated and numbers critically low. It helps save the rabbit breeds we love but are near extinction. Chinchilla breeds fall into the category of rare breeds. American Chinchillas and Giant Chinchillas are listed on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy list.

I'm happy to say that I recently joined the rare rabbit breed saving effort and received a trio and 5 junior American Chins last weekend.

For interest......Franco Rios just posted the most recent Rare Breeds List for 2010.

#1 is most rare, #16 is less rare

2010 Rare Breed Rabbit Rank
1 Blanc de Hotot
2 Giant Angora
3 Cinnamon
4 Beveren
5 American
6 Satin Angora
7 Giant Chinchilla
8 Lilac
9 Silver
10 American Sable
11 Belgian Hare
12 American Chinchilla
13 Rhinelander
14 Creme d'Argent
15 Silver Fox
16 Palomino

Standard Chinchillas are now ranked at #17 and off the list! So congratulations on that. :yahoo: American Chinchillas are slowly moving down the list as well. :)
Standard chins are still rare. I just wish there was better way to document how many there really are, other then going by registrations. :( But there isn't any for now.

You would not believe how many people I have had contact me for the in the past couple of months. Most of the time, I can't give them away,

The American rabbits' national breed club conducts and annual survey in order to "find" as many as they can so they can document them. Their numbers include juniors and, of course, those are not registered. They break them down by color variety, too, so they can keep tabs on the increasing and decreasing trends.

You might suggest a similar search (survey) to the Chinchilla national breed club.
I will try but they probably won't listen. its a very small club, and I don't think they have the resources to do that. I will run it by chuck gest next time I am able to get a hold of him.
Hmmm, I really want to help with rare breeds as well. I know JW aren't rare. And I would like to get started with Cinnamon or Giant Angoras. I just need a bit more cage space. Anyone have any info about the cinnamons??

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