St. Louis Trip

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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
Yay! Tomorrow our school will be taking all thosewho've made high honor roll! We will be visiting the city museum...I'mreally excited:D! I'm taking a camera, it's not digital, so it'll be awhile before i can get the pictures up on the forum!

Ugh, the only thing i don't like about it is that the groups aresegregated and and the buses are segregated, meaning, we can't eventalk to the guys! Kinda bogus but, i guess it prevents "accidents."

There are five different "exhibits" so, i'll have tons of funs and take LOTS of pictures! I'm SO excited!


Thanks, BBW. We'll be leaving our house around6:30 this morning, it doesn't take me long to get ready, so i've got alot of time on my hands right now. We'll be at the school at 6:45 toleave with charter buses to St. Louis around 7.......otherwise, iwouldn't even be up at THIS hour!


Enjoy yourwell-deserved road trip.

Thanks, Carolyn. The trip was pretty cool. Iwould say awesome, but, it was more for little kids. Although it wasLOADS of fun, not near as much as last year, a trip to the St. LouisZoo(partially because i'm an animal nut, :p). I took 27 pictures,mostly of friends and of the Final Four posters plasted everywhere!

The final four game is tomorrow in St. Louis, Illini's open practicewas today! OMG, so many people. I practically BEGGED our principal tolet us go watch, no such luck. lol.

Like i said, took 27 pictures, need to get them developed first. I'll post ASAP!

O my gosh! I forgot to say that they had arecently put in aquarium. They had a few "petting" exhibits. I petted ashark:shock:! They had some ferrets, which i practically cried, andscreamed and dragged my feet to be taken away from! Two of them lovedto lick me:p.

I noticed that a few people were crowded around a smaller exhibit, theyhad a bun and a tortoise in there!!!!!!!!!!! AH! lol, i lookedatthe bun and immediatly recognized it as a "Rex" withouteven looking at the papers for it! Thanks to the rabbits forum, i knowmy Rexes! They are SO darn adorable, i've never seen one in person ortouched one before! They're so soft, my next bun (after B and B andtheir kits) is DEFINITLY a rex.

He was so good-natured, didn't mind me petting him, not sure if hetolerated it, or enjoyed it. Animals that are exposed to thousands ofdifferent humans over a long period of time become "dull" to humans andtheir affections. I'm definitly in love with rexes! He was a black one,with aslightly crinkled coat.
