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I've never been able to get a pffffffft out ofmy bunnies (although there was a tiny little 'pop' that made me wonder,once).
I guess I need a man around here. :no
(Who was it on this board that had the bunny that chased the hubbyaround whenever the hubby.... um... oh, nevermind).
Glad to hear Sprite is well. (Still think they're just testing us). :sunshine:

and gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
"a flatulent bunny is a happy bunny" :bunny17
naturestee wrote:
.... maybe add some papaya or grind up somecilantro or parsley into the pellet/pumpkin mush.
PS: Why cilantro or parsley? For taste or ingredients/nutrients?
Nutrients. In which case I'd thinkparsley would be better, with it's Vitamin A and calcium. Myvet office (techs, etc.) pushes those two anyway as healthy bunnyveggies, probably because people tend not to know about them and theyare good veggies. I was a bit surprised about thepapaya/pineapple thing and told her I don't really believe that theenzymes do much. My regular vet has never mentionedthem. He pushes pumpkin for fluids and fiber. Butthis woman mainly does surgeries, not diagnosis/treatment.She also isn't as knowledgable about rabbits, but the desk lady offeredher as being somewhat knowledgable and being better thannothing. Which she was.
I think it's funny that my buns get better after going to/talking tothe vet, without any real vet intervention, but not before!Darn things!
Atta girl Sprite. Forget your a lady and let nature do what it has to

. Good job, guys!
Glad she's feeling better!

I think Cilantro gave Pepsi gas.. so I stopped using it.