Sprite let me pet her!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I'm so happy! Sprite, the hand-hatingfussbun, actually let me rub her nose. Repeatedly, and at twodifferent times! :woohoo

Maybe now she'll stop getting upset when I pet Fey? Sometimesshe growls and bats at my hand, even though Fey is begging to be petted.

For those of you that don't know her story, I adopted Sprite and hersister Fey from a neglectful/abusive situation lastSeptember. Sprite likes people but has always hatedhands. Their previous owner did mention that they would batat him when he put his hand in the cage to feed them, so he would shovethem out of the way.:X Fey let me start petting her afterabout two weeks, but Sprite usually gets very upset when a hand getsnear her. Sprite usually glares, grunts, growls, bats, runsaway, and sometimes nips but not hard.


Yay! Congrats!:elephant:Some bunnies are strange like that. Weneed lots of patience especially with bunnies that are from shelters.
Thats great! Now I'm looking forward to kissy pics soon!

Fluffy is like that still :( He'll run away fromme. But the good sign right now is that he'll approach andsniff my hand then run.

-Ashley :highfive: & Flopsy:bunnyangel: & Fluffy:stikpoke
totally awesome! :bunnydance:

she's always been the cutest, but angriest looking bunny!lesser slaves would have just avoided poor girl. she's luckyto have you to patiently show her how wonderful a hand on a head (ornose) can really be.

give her an extra pat for us!

sas and the gang

Yay! Congrats. :)I guess in away Sprite looks evil. I get comments that my bunny's red eyes makeshim look evil. Sprite is a cutie pie by the way.

How sweet, she looks like she's have fun:colors: now!
I can't tell if she actually likes to getpetted, although I think she has been getting jealous when I pet Feylately. She's been much more fussy about that.Silly girl!:craziness
May be she's slowly getting used to the ideait's ok to be touched. She could be frustrated cos she wantto be like her sister and hav lots of cuddles. I can'tbelieve people treat animals(friends) like that it sounfair:mad:My friend's cat had been treat badly and it tookyears before she would let people stroke her. She would onlylet you touch her for a short time even when she was an old lady.

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