Spirit goes in for her spay tomorrow morning...

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This morning she looks wide eyed and alert..I saw poops in her cage and they look normal..She was eating hay last night and drinking from her water in her cage..She has already eaten Kale this morning rinsed in cold water..and takenher pain meds..now she is resting

I dont trust anyone either when it comes to them..this vetHAS proved herself to be competent but after that first one couldnt even tell the difference in their sexes that has made me very leary on just assuming they are correct with what they are telling me..and I'm so glad I can double check everything here with all you guys..I didnt like the dosing on the Metacam either..I worked for 8years as a medical assistant and its almost instinct for me to check and double check dosages with meds, and with this I just have to go by a pound mark..which tells me nothing about how much I'm actually giving her..but I'm sure she will be ok =)

Thought of a few questions last night and wanted to check with you guys..

1. Is it ok for me to use the care fresh litter in her cage now or should I use a blanket or a towel for her to lay on?? Was just thinking that the little fibers might stick to the sutures and pull on them or something??

2. How long should I wait before I let her and Shadow be back around each other??

3. How long before I let her have normal free run of my room?? The vet tech who went over the papers with me before I left told me to keep her in the cage for up to 2 weeks? That seems kinda long espically for her..I have no nic cubes and honestly I cant afford them right now..so I wasgoing to corner off one part of the room for her so she doesnt have to be in the cage all the time and at least have a little place to walk around in.

4. This question was already partly answered and that was about checking the surgery area for infection..Shes not to bad with being picked up as long as I use a towel..shes getting more and more used toit and she didnt even struggle yesterday at the vets when they weighed her so it shouldnt be a problem checking..I probally wontcheck it until tomorrow later in the day just to make sure I give her a good while to heal up first before I go flippin her over to look..but was wondering would it be ok to use neosporin or something like that on the suture area just as a precaution??

5. Will her peeing in the cage make her more likely to get an infection?? I know the2 areas are close to each other and I wouldnt want urine to touch her wound in any way..I'm not sure how I would even solve that problem except for doing like I said and cornering her off an area to be in with a litterbox..they have2 in my room so Shadow could always use the other one until she can be back out per usual.

Thats all I can think of for now..but I'm sure I will think of more things later..I always have been one who liked asking questions so please bear with me..I figure you can never learn to much and learning will always be benificial =) One of my favorite sayings has always been " Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn asif you were to live forever" Thanks again everyone!
I'm so glad she is doing well today :)

1, I would suggest using something non fibrous like fleece. Some of mine chose to lie in hay though, but I wouldn't risk anything that could get stuck until the wound is healed.

2, I would say that depends on her but remember its a big operation and if he is a humper/chaser/harasser then the time should be longer than if he is easy going. I would say no sooner than two weeks, but with mine, I waited three, and just had them next to each other. For a new fresh bonding I always suggest to people to wait even longer because you never know what might happen (which can apply here but hopefully won't). If they can be near each other from now on that might prevent rebonding problems.

3, I kept mine confined for about 10 days, but prevented jumping for longer. Is there anyway you could maybe set up some sort of smallish area she could be in from sort of day 5 to day 10? Then she can get a bit of exercise, but not too much. Having said all that, Summer jumped her small run 3 days after her spay, so it was safer for her to have full run of the room to prevent jumping.

4, I would say if she is not showing infection signs then don't put anything on her because it will further stress her out. If she is one who comes for her treats you could hold the treat at face height then move it up so she stands up and you could potentially check that way. If you pick her up obviously pick her up very carefuly avoiding her wound area and her whole tummy.

5, I confine my buns to 4ft by 1ft cages when they have operations like this, so the urine is always very close to where the bunny is and I've never had a problem. I would just say keep it as clean as possible to minimise the risks.

In terms of asking questions, I agree. The more people ask, the more they learn. So go ahead and ask whatever you need to :)
I'm so glad she's feeling better and got to hang out with her men!

As for the questions, I think they've all been answered very well. I wanted to add that putting something that's an ointment on the suture wouldn't be very good as it could soften any scabs that have formed and cause them to break open. If you want to clean with something, betadine would be fine, but I don't think it's necessary.
Well its been a few days since she had her surgery and she is doing great..I'm shocked at hownormal actingand alert shes been since the surgery..she was eating and drinking on the very first day and hasnt stopped since. I get this feeling that not all rabbits are this happy after surgery so when Shadow is due for his neuterI can only hope he is as easy going as she has been through this.

I tried cornering her a part off in my room for her to get a little bit of excercise in but the first thing she did was try to jump over it..shes very into hopping on things so I think it will just be safer to keep her in the cage for a little while longer..I did let her out yesterday for about 10 minutes just to walk around my room ( under careful watch ) just to make sure she at least got a little excercise..and this morning I let her out to eat the morning greens with Shadow..everything went well..she does this crazy grooming on his face every morning..sometimes it looks like shes tryin to eat his eyeballs..I dont know what thats about :?

The pharmacy didnt have the zithromax in the day I went to get it filled but they ordered it and I got it this morning...wanted to check the dosage.. they mixed it into a liquid for me ( said it would only be good for 10 days ) The bottle says for her to take 1ml daily for 7 days ( on the dropper that came with the meds 1ml is equal to 1/4 tsp. ) She said she gave me enough for both of them because when I took Spirit for the spay I mentioned to her that she was still sneezing and that Shadow had been sneezing to so she said since they were both showing the same symptoms to just treat them both in hopes of preventing it from going back and forth between them..wanted to make sure this sounded right.Thezithromaxhas a strawberry scent so hopefully Spirit will just lick it like she does the Metacam..that made it so much easier! I was afraid to pick her up after the surgery but I didnt have to because she loved the taste
That is the type of zithromax that I had ; it has to be shaken really well becasue it will become thick and gluey and messy as the days go by.... that stuff is rather pricey $$ Does it say the amount of mg/ml on the bottle or package insert and if you can give me your buns weight
I may not be on all day like I was yesterday but i will get back to you

Iam particularly interested as this wasa drugI foughta vet here to get instead of baytril and he did prescribe it but underdosed it.
On the bottle it says 200mg per 5ml it also says 600mg 15ml when mixed

Spirit was 6.8 pounds as of Monday

Shadow is around 6 pounds

Edited to add: I got it filled at rite aid it was $35.99 but they have some kind of discount for medications filled for pets and they gave me a 20% off so it was around $30 total..the vets office charged me $50 for the bottle of metacam so I'm glad it was at least a lil cheaper than that

Azithromycin is zithromax and the dosage is 30-50 mg per day per kg. one kg is 2.2lblbs

37.5mg=0.9375 ml ( if 600 mg = 15 ml)and since your rabbits are in the approx range of each being approx range of 3 kg then even when I calculate it at the lowest dose of 30 mg/kg (according to the medi-rabbit) chart your buns should be getting about 90 mg per day at the lowest dosage.

Now this is the same thing that occurred with me and sinceI am not a vet there may be some reason that he is prescribing that dosage .
You may want to bring him the sheet (print it out) and ask him about it if he is approachable.

I would also appreciate someone who is a math whiz (whichI am not ) going over this for me . I think I'm right asI went over it a thousand times with myself and with Randy when Babette was on it

This is based entirely on the medi-rabbit chart and not some other reasoning of your vet that is unknown to me
So it is the same type of underdosing that you expierenced? When you treated your bun with it did it work to clear up the URI?? This will be the 2nd antibiotic for Spirit in a short period of time..I dont want to give her something for 7days if its just going to come back..dont they build some type of resistance to antibiotics like humans do??

The vet is not in the office until Monday morning..the other vets are there today, she is the only one who deals with rabbits ..if I remember I will call and ask about the dosing on Monday..shes a nice lady so I'm sure she wont mind my curious inquiry..she found it very amusing that Shadow had mated with Spirit and I had to bring her in for a spay sooner than expected :blushan:and she didnt have a problem giving the zithromax even though she didnt have it at the vets office..so she seems down to earth and not likley to think I'm questioning her competence.
NO it didn't work ; it did work while she was on it but the infection just came back again when she was off it and I knew that i was building up aresistance to a good drug by underdosing ; I wanted to fall on a sword to be perfectly frank.

my vet wouldn"t higher the dose; I had to talk him into into itthe first time after he insisted I keep her on oral baytril for 6 weeks. When she was on the oral baytril all the symptoms got way worse and it was only then that he ordered zithromax at too low a dose

She was on it for weeks however and her condition was worse than your buns ; I ended trying to higher the dosage by giving it for a shorter length of but that didn't work because I would totally run out and didn't want her to be off it for days before they would give me another bottle. So I ended up giving her a little more. I think they would only give me 2 weeks at a time I cannot remember why but they did not give me 6 weeks of unmixed bottles orI could have just increased the dosage and given it for a shorter time.
I ended up giving her bicillin injections (Randy helped me in pms ) and that eradicated the infection immediately.

Babette is gone now but she died of a spinal problem ; she didn't die from a respiratory infection and I am sort of proud of myself for that becauseI worked against all odds to try to treat this rabbit.
tonyshuman wrote:
Maureen's math is right. They each would need ~3mL/day to get the correct dose of 30mg/kg/day.

Thanks Claire :)

I am terrible at math so it takes me a lot longer to figure something like this out than someone who is good at math.
I do not understand why the vets arent going for the stronger things first to take care of the problem rather than prescribing2 or 3 other things firstthat ultimatley do notsolve the problemand will just help build up a resistance for any future treatments with antibiotics??I'ts like putting a bandaid on a broken leg..kinda pointless..I myself am leary of taking medicationsbecause I dont "trust" alotof them and I dont feel comfortable giving a7 pound rabbit dose after dose of medicine that isnt curing the URI..that cant begood for her little body

I may be getting a little ahead of myself but..If after this cycle of antibiotics arefinishedand if the symptoms still persist in them both what should my next step be?? I have no problem "discussing" with the vet the best treatment for them and not accepting what I do not think is the correct one..I just want to know what should be next..wont the URI get worse if not treated correctly?? I dont want their lives to be at risk because I'm gettingsome crappymeds that are just costing money without helping them.
the zithromax is a good drug you just don't have a high enough dose.

the only thing that I could suggest is that you print out the medi-rabbit sheet with the dose for azithromycin (zithromax)on it and take it to the vet and show it to him . Then you could ask him why he didn't give you a bigger dose?

You could tell him that you belong on a rabbit website and other people have had vets give the dose closer to the medi-rabbit doses. You could blame it on the forum
i know that is hard; the vetI dealt with didn't want to deal with my thoughts, assumed I knew nothing because I was not a vet and did what he wanted.
I know that is hard to do but i cannot seeyou doing anything else . even if you treated one rabbit along you would only have a few day worth of it.
As Randy would say the vets are frightened of giving rabbits too much meds because of their delicate GI tract and because of that they tend to underdose it.


was the uterus biopsy-negative.??-i had one rabbit (male)jump the fence into the female area/imagine that.!!.so it was recommended at 2 weeks-radiographs for the 5 females,all required-spaying,some were pregnat,one had early signs of uteran cancer,./joey,for joey,..their lives were saved and mine,..i stayed up day and night 24/7 until they were all back on their feet enjoying life,..just watch stitching does not get pulled out early,,make sure gi tract gets working correctly after the anathesia,..not familiar with some of your meds,but sound advice has already helped you out,so far ,good job,..sincerely james waller