Well-Known Member
I lovr your family
Reese is such a sweet looking bunny !!!
Thanks CrazyMike! I only get to keep them for another hour.I was bunnysitting them while MBB was on vacation. MBB is going to be taking them home soon.I lovr your familyReese is such a sweet looking bunny !!!
I met up with the samebreederatour Rabbit show in the Shopping Mall last could get a look-a-like boy from the same breeder for Pebbles!:biggrin2:
I miss them too.I'm gonna miss this blog when these babies go home.
Reece is a real beauty I must agree. Very very cute.
Is Spice eating OK now. He didn't touch his vegs this morning, but he was pooping and peeing lots.There was so much food that was available for them. One thing he had no problem eating, was all the alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay whenever I gave him.I'm kind of surprised that Spice wouldn't eat right away. But on some occasions he doesn't eat right away but he hasn't lost any weight in the months he and Reese have been bonded so I'm not worried about it!
I didn't get a chance to see them when we were loading up Spice and Reese. They were in cages tucked away in the back seat. And I couldn't blame MBB for wanting to get them home soon, after being away from them for so long.the other 2 went to stay with my Opa for the week.
Thanks AngelnSnuffy. Yes I am sad they are gone. It really hit me when I started to clean and sanitize the empty cages.Stan, awesome job of taking pics! They are all grand. Are you having withdrawl symptoms yet?
how did you keep the bunny cage so clean?