Speaking of kids...

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When I was growing up I always thought I would have lots of kids but now I'm 32 and can't decide if I want even one! I've been married for 6 years and at first my husband wasn't sure he wanted any but now he thinks we should. Some days I'm like "Yeah let's have a baby!" but most days I'm like "NOOOOOOOOO!" lol. I don't know how many good child-bearing years I have left before my eggs go bad lol.

I even thought that my bunny fever (always wanting more) was because subconciously I've been yearning for a baby. I need something to take care of.

Oh what to do?

I was 34 when I had Matthew. Terrible pregnancy, but he's such a blessing ;)

I wanted two children. I also wanted to have all of my children before I was 30 (so by the time I was 50 they would basically be out of the house...barring college and all that, if they decided to go to a local university). I managed on both counts, with one miscarriage in between. I even had a boy and a girl, which in my mind was absolutely perfect so I could have fun playing with my son and have fun dressing up my girl (and no, at 8 she doesn't let me do that anymore :p hehe).

I have some friends who don't want kids. I completely respect that point of view. It's much better to know you don't want kids and not have them, than to know you don't want them, have them anyway and then regret the decision. You know yourself better than anyone else. Although if you have them, you will adore them, it doesn't mean you have to do so. Trust your gut feelings on this!