Well-Known Member
As many of you know, we lost our baby Lolarecently when she was put under anesthetic to be spayed. Wenow realize that we can't put off getting Penelope spayed and Rupertneutered much longer. We are, needless to say, very nervousabout it and want to take every precaution we can. Our vetlikes to keep them overnight the night before they spay because he saidthat the initial adrenaline rush they get when they arrive isn't a goodstate for them to be put under anesthetic...however, I remember readingthat many of you insist on not leaving your bunnies over night before aspay or neuter. Please share your experiences and opinions onthis, as this is a decision that we are finding very difficult tomake. We just want to do what is right for Penelope andRupert. Thank you in advance!