Well-Known Member
I'm getting Iris spayed in a few weeks when my vet gets home from vacation, yes I know I should of done it a long time ago but I only just got enough money to spay her anyway after she's spayed and she heals up from it cause I know she had to heal for a while but afterwards I wanted to get her a friend cause sometimes she's home alone and I want her to have company so I was wondering what people thought about this I would only adopt a rabbit who was already spayed or neutered but I'm not sure where I should adopt from I mean there no bunny shelters around where I live and I have the SPCA which you can adopt rabbits from but I'm not sure if they will do a meet and greet before hand and I think that's what I'd want just so I know if they would get along properly cause I don't want a friend that Iris can't live with and snuggle with plus Iris is a very stubborn, strong willed, bossy rabbit so I think if I could get a bunny who is the opposite of her that would be good but again I'd want a meet and greet to see if they could get along also I've always liked the idea of a lop rabbit I've heard there easy going and very sweet plus there so cute but again I just want a friend for Iris that she can get along with.