Spayed bun kicking her litter everywhere!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Hey guys,

Just wondering if you could give me some pointers on this issue. I've got a 6 month old Mini Lop who was completely litter trained until she started getting into sexual maturity and started kicking out ALL her litter, spreading it out and chewing everything in site.

She never got aggressive around the cage etc, never sprayed etc.

So we got her spayed last week and shes all better now so we moved her back into her old hutch, we filled up the usual litter tray and again she's kicking ALL the litter out and spreading it everywhere.

Help guys!
I think it is just something they do. My boys have all been neutered for months now and they still dig and kick.
Some of my bunnies have done that. Finley is one of them - but only if she's in a certain mood.

I have no help for you really, it's just something I accept as bunny behaviour.
You can also use a wire topped litter pan to prevent digging/kicking, or one of the coveredcat boxes.

I use kiln dried horse bedding pellets for litter ; it is very heavy and the buns tend to leave it in the boxes; if I use aspen or something lighter they tend to dig in it, throw it all over and make a mess
I'm curious too, since the only litter pan I found that had a grid had the grid rest on the bottom, so the poops wouldn't fall through. I still plan to add my own grid for my litter box someday.

BTW my girl likes to dig litter around too. I cover the litter with some hay and she isn't so interested in digging it. I buy hay in bales, but i fyou buy it in the bags using it for litter could get expensive.
You can get the plastic canvas at Walmart, in the art section or whatever it's called, lol.

Here's what it looks like:


Here's a better pic of the canvas:


Cut it to size for the litter pan and it helps to keep them from digging the litter out. Watch to make sure they don't ingest it. My bun that I have now didn't ingest it the first time we used it, but chewed it and left the pieces on the floor of the cage, thank goodness!

Plastic canvas... interesting stuff. I looked online for a minute and found some rated "stiff" and "ultra stiff", it might be harder to chew,

How big are the holes though? Riley is small for a flemish giant but his poops are still pretty big. My first idea was to try to make it out of some kind of hardware cloth. Something like this with 1/2" square holes,

The trick is to have something hold it up and not have the wire bend under their weight, which I don't think would work.
I use the plastic canvas exactly because it keeps the poop separate from the litter. That way I can check on how they're doing each day, even though I don't change every day. I just dump what they produced during the day into the rest of the box at night, then I can see what the next day's poops are like. I also used to use the poop for fertilizer in my garden, and the plastic canvas was great for that too.
Hey guys!

Thanks for all your help so far, here's an update:

So being in Australia where they seriously lack resources for bunnies! I placed an order for some litter trays with grids in them (because my own craftsmanship sucks!).

Pictures of the two trays i got:


[font="Arial, Helvetica"][size="-1"]dimensions are: 14" x 13.5" x 7"

$11.49 USD

and this one for my larger Mini Lop


[/size][/font][font="Arial, Helvetica"][size="-1"]dimensions are: 16"x12"x8" also $11.49 USD[/size][/font]

Bought them here:

They ship internationally! So to the aussies who need good chew toys etc this is the place!
Oh wow. I have been looking for those for ages. Just can't find a supplier in Europe. It seems a bit mad ordering them from overseas.
Sabine wrote:
Oh wow. I have been looking for those for ages. Just can't find a supplier in Europe. It seems a bit mad ordering them from overseas.
Haha thats how i felt when i ordered them from oversea's but its for the benefit of your Bunny!
The delivery of those two trays would be 35 USD to Ireland. More than the items cost:(

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