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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Yes, Our 8 month old Pomeraniam Sparky got shaved last thursday.

He had recently gotten sick (remember?) and his illness and boo-boo's were aroun his mouth so that stoped him from grooming himself, and no matter how much i brushed him.. it din't seam to work (turned out we had the wrong kind of brush:? ).

So , last thursday we braught Sparky into the PetSmart grooming place, and for 3 hours he got pamperd, shampoo'd, teeth cleaned, nails clipped, the whole package. And when we went to pick up my baby.. he came out shaved :shock:. No one had told me they were going to shave all of him. It's a number 2 on a regular shaver. Poor puppy.

When I first saw him.. I looked at the girl and said 'What did you do with his fur he looks like a rat' She replied with ' I had to shave it, But because this is such a big diffrence we have to keep what we say positive to keep his self esteme up' .

Dog's have self Esteme?

Lol, Anyways.. I have a shaved dog :X

I shall post pictures later.

Poor dog wont go outside now. Every one laughs at him
Wow. It was kind of irresponsible of the person to shave the dog without your consent- Out of curiosity, Did it mention that shaving was part of the package? If not, they should have called you or something, just to be sure you at least /knew/.

Also out of curiosity- When you say "Shaved", do you mean, like, being completly BALD, or to have, like, inch long fur? I remember my Grandma had a pom (May he rest in peace), and he looked just like a teddy bear with only the inch-long fur when he got shaved in the summer- I don't remember him ever getting a "bad" haircut.

It must be a pretty bad haircut. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the thread for some pictures.

Well, at least it'll grow back.
By the way- I hope he recovered okay from the illness. Sounded pretty bad.

I worked in a PetSmart grooming Salon and you need to be very specific. Are you sure your mom didn't say to shave him for the summer? A regular clipping or a full cut is very different (obviously) and there is a very big price difference. I doubt a groomer would shave your dog without permission.

What's wrong with looking like a little rat? Rat doggies are adorable.
I bet he looks cute! At least his fur will be easier to manage and cooler for him :).

The thing about hair.. it always grows back too! Even with humans, the only difference between a good or bad haircut is a couple months :p.

A bit off topic with the 'rat dog' remark.. once saw a Chihuahua/weenie dog who looked like a ratabbit.. huge ears with a little tiny body haha!
Xila wrote:
Wow. It was kind of irresponsible of the person to shave the dog without your consent- Out of curiosity, Did it mention that shaving was part of the package? If not, they should have called you or something, just to be sure you at least /knew/.

No, they din't mention anything. We just payed an extra 25 $ .

And inch long, HA. I wish.

My mom, din't at all want him to be shaved. He was going in for a 'trim' . We wanted to keep his fur long because the cottage, and its always cold. Now poor baby has to wear a sweater or drag a blanket behind him so hes able to sit on the deck without freezing.
This ones kind of blurry but you can see his body..
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Awwww! Poor little puppy! The shaved it really short. Next time I would go with a more reputable place like a professional groomer not working out of a petsmart. It will cost more but the money will be worth it as they will be trained to cut long fur and there will be no surprises. YIKES!
OUCH! That is a horrid groom job. I have never seen anything like that come out of a PetSmart. I wish you were closer so I could fix him for you :shock:. Either way, he is still adorable. Buy him a little sweater and he should feel better :D.