Sorry I've been MIA

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
I havent been on in a while, 2 weeks. Maybe more?.

Im really busy.

Most of you know I just got a Puppie.

And well... lets just say im very busy.

He still is not house trained. At night (usually around 2) he wakes up the whole house, we let him out of the crate and he plays.

I also have my hands full with Babii. Her diet and excersize routine.


I have my mom, who just had surgery so I have the extra chores to do. The laundry, Cleaning, Keeping track of where Sparky decides to poop next, Dishes.


I have school. It's starting to get difficult. My last test I got a 45%.

And well, I have my social life. I go out with my friends every- so -often but if I dont. I think I would explode.

Now, I shall go because Sparky is crying to get out of his cage that I put him in for Peeing on the tile then whenI went to get him he attacked me.

Can't wait for the puppy classes, AND his neuter on may 26.
Wow! it does sound like you've got a lot on your plate right now! I hope your mom is ok, too!
