Sore/Scab on Rosemary's neck

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.::Call me Jigzy::.
Jan 21, 2014
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Some where in the U.S.A.
So I started noticing it like a week or two ago. I don't know why this sore/scab appeared on her neck. I'm really worried. Does anyone know what this might be and what I should do about it?
Can you post a picture? Has she had any shots given to her for anything?
Are you not able to hold her and turn her over to get a look at it? If you can't get a good look at it, then the best thing to do would be to take her to an exotics vet to make sure it's not infected and try and figure out the cause.
Jigzitta I can't make anyone's picture bigger on this app for some reason but I think your bun looks a lot like mine. Yu have a Dutch bunny? I am taking mine to the exotics vet today, he had a lump on his neck that was a little scabbed that had popped yesterday. :( I hope yu figure out what the scab is from on your bun
No, I have a Lionhead bunny.

And yeah I don't know, but I'm gonna try to get a picture if I can ever get her to lift her neck up for me. I'm trying to save some money here by not taking her to the vet just yet.
You just need to be aware that if this isn't just a small superficial wound, like a scratch or something, then this could potentially be quite serious. If it is a deep or large wound, it could be a burst abscess, self mutilation, excessive scratching due to a skin condition. Whatever the cause, you do need to get a good look at it. Either someone needs to pick your rabbit up so you can get a look at it, or you need to take it to a vet.

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