I am so sorry, I never saw any of these replies. I still am finding it hard to navigate through here and I thought I would get an email if I had a reply. It was pretty bad I am still not sure what exactly happened she ended up getting a blood infection for sure, I checked on her one morning and she couldn't keep her eyes open she was so tired. Luckily I found a vet just around the corner who treats rabbits and I got her all fixed up, she needed two shots, a course of antibiotics twice a day for two weeks. Also polysporin and benedryl cream on each once a day. I still don't know what caused it but we think she developed an allergic reaction to the shavings I was using, it was very delayed since I used the same type of bedding for the 7 months that i've had her. But am now using a pulp based type going between the carefresh type bedding. I do have a new problem though, now my two rabbits are fighting! Both the male and the female have been together for 7 months and have been great with each other and all the sudden fight when they are together. Both are fixed rabbits, so it is a mystery to me why they would fight when you generally hear that only happening with male and female either soon after they have been introduced or if one is fixed and the other isn't.