Sore Hock?

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Yeah, that's looking really irritated.Did you get her in to the vet today? I wonder if a fungal or bacterial infection set in.

What is your litter box set-up like? I found that Oberon's sore hocks looked less irritated when I covered the wood pellet litter with hay. It keeps him off the rough stuff and the urine also drains through it quickly, so it's less likely to touch the sores.
I couldn't get her in today.

I'm also wondering if one of the ointments is irritating her foot? I'm going to stop putting the ointments on for a few days, and then Call the vet.

Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be able to get her to a vet.

I have newspaper and hay over her wood pellets, although she's not using her litter box fully either.
Did she used to use her litter box well, or not? If her peeing habits have changed, the sores might be as econdary effect of a urinary tract infection.
No, not really. She didn't have a litter box before, and she's stil getting used to it. She uses it until I clean it, then she goes in another corner. She's getting better though. I don't think it's a health issue, more of a marking issue.
I haven't checked it this afternoon yet. My mom is working all day today and the vet is only open until 5:00, but do you think it's looking bad enough for me to take her in today? I could maybe get someone else to drive me.


I was worried about a fungal infection or bacterial infection too. It also could be that the ointments and me putting it on the sore everyday might have irritated it more?

Yes - in some cases, the rabbit may be sensitive to the medication itself.

I would have the vet take a look and test for a fungal infection since the antibiotics haven't worked.

Some rabbits are more prone to sore hocks if they are very active, or if they are not properly distributing the weight on their feet. Others may have a genetic predisposition to sore hocks.

I'm trying to find a time so I can take her. My mom's been working longer and different hours, so it's really hard to find enough time for her to take me. I'm calling a few other vet offices closer.
Well that wasn't what I expected.

I phoned on Tuesday asking if they were experienced in rabbits, dealt with them often, and the lady at the from said yes the vet that dealt with them often was in Tomorrow.She booked me an appointment with Dr.Armstrong. I was planning on going to Dr. Upjohn, but I thought thisvet dealt with rabbits, and he was way closer.

Well, the vet I had wasn't Dr. Armstrong, and knew very little about rabbits. I was very disappointed and upset because the lady at the desk reassured me Poppy would be seen by someone who dealt with rabbits often. All he suggested was maybe the bedding could be bothering her.

That's pretty much all he said. He gave me a cream called Panolog for dogs, but I don't feel comfortable using it. The lady at the front said it had steroids in it, so don't let her lick it. I said I didn't feel comfortable because she would lick it, but then she said with the little amount I had to put on it would be alright. :?I'm not going to put any on though until I know more about it. I haven't found anything saying it was rabbit safe.
Also, forgot to say I'm going to keep an eye on it until the weekend to see if there's any change. If not, I'm going to try to get her into either Dr. Prus or Dr. Upjohn, like I should have done to begin with.


That's the thing....if you don't go to a recommended rabbit vet - you might as well burn your money.....thankfully it wasn't urgent as often people lose their buns by going to a bad bun vet....with buns often you don't ahev the luxery of two days to get into anotehr vet

Panalog is fine for buns...Dr U has given it to me many times for various things
Ok, that's good. I'll put some of the panolog on tonight, and see if that helps.

I know I should have gone to someone who was recommended, but I was under the impression they dealt with rabbits. They only charged me fora tech exam and the panolog because they couldn't help much, so the bill came out very small. I was just trying to get it looked at sooner,because I would of had towait until the weekend to bring her to Dr. Prus.

Thanks a lot! :D
There are lots of vet out there that *treat* rabbits but don't treat them properly.

One will charge $400 to fix a broken toe nail and another treats hairballs with tonic lax.....I know both vets and would neevr recommend them yet they are listed on certain sites

Seriously, with bunnies don't waste time (as they crash quick ) & don't waste money
I'm also wondering whoyou recommend Ishould go to, Dr. Prus or Dr. Upjohn? They are pretty much the same distance and time from me.
Alright, Dr. Upjohn it is!

I put some of the panolog on her foot. I only put a bit on and had cuddles for half an hour so it all could be absorbed. I'll check it tomorrow and then go from there.
Good news! I think the panolog is helping. It doesn't look as irritated today. I have a feeling this will help, so I'm going to hold off a bit for the vets. The panolog is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal so if the sores are a result of a bacterial or fungal infection, hopefully this will help heal it a bit.

Hoping this works! I'll post pictures tomorrow