Is he still showable? Someone on told me this:
"No - he wont be able to compete at the fair. Fair judging is based on the SOP for each breed (standard of perfection/breed/breed standards) and sore hocks is an immediate disqualification. in fact, most fairs wont even let a rabbit with evidence of prior sore hocks on the table. You can either return him to the seller and get your money back, keep him as a pet knowing that his feet will need constant care, or have him humanely euthanized. If you choose to re-home him, please be certain to let the new owner know that his feet will require special care for the remainder of his life."
I'm not familiar with All Experts, so I'm not sure who is answering questions there. But this response seems a bit premature.
Holland Lops have very strong personalities, as I'm sure you've witnessed. With intact bucks, this can mean some VERY messy bucks. I have had many who like to keep their cages impeccably clean and others who give pigs a run for their money. Some Holland bucks spray...a lot. That, coupled with a solid floor area can be a disaster for an intact buck. I believe this is a case of urine burn, not sore hocks.
I'd recommend sectioning off the solid part of the hutch so that he can't access it. I also wouldn't recommend a litterbox, unless it has a grate over the top so he's not standing in the litter. You can order a hard plastic, slotted, resting mat from most cage companies for under $3. This is a good option because it's easy to wipe off daily if he continues to mess it up, and if he pees it falls through the floor.
Messy bucks also seem to do best if they're not housed close to other rabbits. If you're able to move his hutch a few feet away from the others, that may help a lot. I don't have quite that much room, but I separate my messy bucks from the rest of my rabbits with solid cage dividers. It does tend to help.
That should clear up the cage situation and make it a little less possible for him to "marinate" in perfume de buck.
Secondly, it would be a good idea to give him a bath this week. Always bathe rabbits at least a week before fair so their fur can recover some of its natural oils. Just fill a sink with about an inch of water. It helps to have someone hold him in the water while you spot-clean only those spots necessary (sounds like his belly/feet and maybe tail.) Don't submerse him in water or rinse his whole body...just the dirty parts. Make this as quick as possible (a minute or two). Then take him out and towel dry him as best you can. Make sure the weather is mild or his coat is thoroughly dry before he goes back outside.
As for his feet, usually bag balm helps clear up sore hocks.
It will take a few weeks, but you should notice that your buck starts living a bit of a cleaner lifestyle and hopefully will stay cleaner.
Based on the pictures, I wouldn't expect that your rabbit would be disqualified from a fair show, but it probably depends on the judge. I don't think there is any harm in taking him if there are no open wounds. If there are, please keep him at home.
If his feet seem irritated on the wire until his fur grows back, it may help to cut up an old towel and give him a piece to rest on. You can switch out the pieces daily and wash them. His feet may be a bit tender while they're still bare, but Hollands have very thickly-furred feet and he should be fine once it grows back in.