Sophie is nesting!?!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
I think Sophie is nesting and I blame Miss Muppet. This started right after talking to Katie and hearing about Muppet's efforts. Sophie is taking all the hay and toys and putting them into a pile against the back wall of their room.

I am going to be rather peeved if she is pregnant. She's getting spayed on Monday.

The vet gave her a health check last week. Would she have been able to feel babies if they were there?

I really hope this is a false pregnancy because she has been with Houdini, but he is neutered. We have only had her for two weeks, but I wouldn't think a rescue would have let herbe with a male. Oh well, time will tell.
I hope she isn't pregnant! Are you good at palpating at all? You should be able to feel something in there if she is pregnant.
Blaming poor Miss.Muppet huh? How can you blame such an innocent angel who was only trying to make a warm place just in case babies happen to appear. Its only been two weeks since her spay and clearly nobody has told her......
I have always had fixed pets so I have no clue how to palpate. Plus Sophie is not used to human contact so it's impossible to hold her. I really hope she is just being hormonal.

Miss Muppet showed Sophie what to do, so it is her fault :p
Houdini has a man cave so perhaps she just wants an area of her own. Have you tried slipping your hand under her when she is sitting. If she is pregnant and nesting you should be able to feel them moving. Hoping for the best or you may end up with 12 rabbits not 4.
gmas rabbit wrote:
Houdini has a man cave so perhaps she just wants an area of her own. Have you tried slipping your hand under her when she is sitting. If she is pregnant and nesting you should be able to feel them moving. Hoping for the best or you may end up with 12 rabbits not 4.

LOL Perhaps she is jealous of the man cave. She now has all the blankets and their food dish in her pile too.

It occured to me that the vet should have heard extra heart beats last week if Sophie was pregnant. That makes me a little more confident that it is a false alarm. We are not prepared for babies and the inn is full, so NO! :)
Hopefully it's a false alarm. But I love that she put their food dish in her "girlie corner", out of the man cave. Now she needs a sign that says, "Girls only". LOL

I would think the vet would have felt babies, if there were any there.
I wonder if animals are like humans. Sometimes people who have had nothing become hoarders. Wonder if that is what is happening to Sophie, she may also be wanting to redecorate her home to her own liking, kind of a "bride"
Well, I chased Sophie until she cornered herself and felt her tummy the best I could. To me she just feels fat. I don't feel any babies. I think perhaps she is a hoarder and enjoys making a mess :)

Katie, you should put a little stuffed bun in the pile and see what she does. I gave Sophie a stuffie and will let you know.
Well he's no fun :p

Sophie isn't going to like me, but I am giving her until Sunday. Then I'm cleaning it all up. I want their room to be very clean when she comes home Monday from her spay.

I even have this new cleaner that is safe for carpets but it still kills bacteria, it's great! It smells like citris so they don't like it but it keeps them extra faithful to the litterbox. They run around like crazy buns while I clean and then have to chin everything again :)
Well, I humored her for a week, but then I have to clean it. I will let her rearange it again, but I want to make sure it is all clean when she's spayed. I want to have a nice soft place for her to lay without poking herself with hay on the incision.
I cleaned up her nest, only to have to rebuild it! Thank goodness today is spay day!








Sophie got spayed yesterday. Much to my relief she was not pregnant. However, she had a bunch of follicules on her overies so she THOUGHT she was pregnant. Thank goodness Houdini is shooting blanks :)

Apparently Houdini layed next to Sophie all day at the vet's office. Now at home any time either of us go into their room Houdini runs over to get between us and Sophie. It is so cute that he's all protective. Last night he spent a couple hours grooming her from head to tail, she seemed to like it.

The vet also couldn't get enough of Sophie's dew lap. They played with it when she was sedated because it is just irresistible. :)