Soooska's Bunny Burrow 2009 - 2011

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Great new pics Susan!:D I love their holiday costumes, so cute.;)

Jan, Vega is really beautiful in person and very snuggable.Winston, complete opposite lol. Silly boy.:)
I'm so proud of my Boy winning the "St Paddy's Contest". So seeing that he is "Grand Champion" we had to frame his picture and hang it so everyone could see it as they enter the house:tonguewiggle.


And a picture of the "Happy" couple.


Here are a couple of pictures of Wilbur & Jackie, as usual stuck together like glue.


They don't have red eyes, but I can never take pictures of them without their eyes coming out red. One of these days when I have money i will buy myself a good camera.



SOOOSKA wrote:
I'm so proud of my Boy winning the "St Paddy's Contest". So seeing that he is "Grand Champion" we had to frame his picture and hang it so everyone could see it as they enter the house:tonguewiggle.


This is TOO Awesome!!! Congratulations, again! :D
Oh my goodness...!! Look at their matching ears!!!! Way too sweet for words!! I'm sure others have posted about their ears, but I can't help saying it again. Wilbur and Jackie are like little bookends!! I love them....!!

Please give them both squishies from me!!! :biggrin2:

Thanks myheart, I know I always laugh when I see their ears matching. They are so alike in so many ways.

Speaking of Wilbur and Jackie, I found some baby pictures of them.





And a few when they were a little older.







Here's Buttercup resting in his box.




He's so Dang Cute, but of course I can say that cause I'm his Mommie.



Thanks Jan, if you come visit me on the "Nice Side Of Canada":p LOLyou can play withButtercup and he will even give you kisses.

He seems to be feeling ok, he certainly doesn't jump up on the sofas like he use to and he does tend to sleep, alot but he is eating and pooping really well.

He's still real loveable though, sleeps in our arms all the tme, he's just so darn loveable.

Susan :)
Hey Jan, yes my Daisy Mae can be a little monkey but my darn cute one. LOL

BTW thanks for posting a comment I can always count on you and a few others to comment in my blog.

Susan :)
Thanks Kelly.

Wilbur & Jackie and Winston & Vega are great. I just love watching "Bunnies In Love" interact with each other. They are so darn cute when they are cuddling.

Geez Wilbur & Jackie even let us pet them every now and then. They really don't like human contact too much. But I figure at least they have each other.

Now Vega is a real Cuddle Bunny, she loves to be held and petted, Winston on the other hand is a "Sissy". He fights us when we try to pick him up. However when we do catch him he's not too bad, he can be a little squeamish.

Winston & Vega are so darn noisy at night (they live in our bedroom), they rattle their hay rack for hours. But I'd miss them if we moved them out. The only alternative is to move them into Wilbur & Jackie's room (yes they have their own bedroom) but they'd end up killing each other. Wilbur and Jackie have 2 NICcages in their room but they are never caged as in door closed, so I feel it wouldn't be fair to them to put other bunnies in their room.

Susan :)
I know what you mean about disturbing the existing set-up. I would love to take in another foster or two, but with limited space, I need to keep my trio in mind and the routine that they are used to. Andy Allenis doing well with his limited play-time, but I feel guilty that he should have more. I guess that is what his forever home will be for... lot's of play-time and, hopefully, a wonderful little girlfriend!

I always love the pics you post. Daisy looks so cute with a mouthful of veggie! I always picture being so girly, but I suppose that even young ladies need to let it all hang out sometimes to. LOL!!! :D

There are not enough words to describe Buttercup's cuteness!! Give him a kiss on the nose for me... :p

Thanks Janet, I gave Buttercup a kiss from you and daisy Mae a pat on the head.

This is a picture from last summer but just love it.


SOOOSKA wrote:
I just love watching "Bunnies In Love" interact with each other. They are so darn cute when they are cuddling.
I know - I really miss that. Pernod and Perry were just so 'in love' and were never apart, always snuggling. She and Shadow eventually snuggled, but not in the same way - more like just for company. I can't see Shadow and Jester ever doing it :expressionless

And I love that picture - how did you get the ripple effect? It looks great.


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