Soooska's Bunny Burrow 2009 - 2011

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I am glad you were able to get away for awhile.

I know what you mean about leaving them. When my wife and I went to Texas to see my son graduate from Air Force basic training, I couldn't stop and wonder how they were doing. I even had my son and daughter looking after them and they were both in rabbit club at the time.

Was Santa good to you and the bunners?
Dave Santa was good to me and extra good to the babies.

A few pictures of the Dutchess.









SOOOSKA wrote:

Oh, this picture is perfect!!

(Hey Susan, I used to have family in Timmins. :) The Simmons from They actually lived just on the outskirts, right at the edge of a farm; my dad, sis, and I (and our Siamese cat, Mickey) drove up there one year - all the way from NS - and visited. I remember playing softball with them in the field behind their house and accidentally mistaking a cow patty for a base...ewww)
Hi Di, wow that's exciting to know someone else from RO has been to Timmins.

Isn't my Daisy just the cutest. She's so good, didn't fight me when i put it on her.

I brought Winston to the Vet today as he has a real bad sore on his right front paw (underside). I put some of the ointment that I have and also tried Polysporiun. It looks very painful, poor baby isn't even putting pressure on it. It was the Bunny sitter who noticed it when she cut his nails last week.

The Vet was excellent. She fell in love with Winston, she said she has a Dutch who's Black & White with blues eyes too. She had her bunny on antibiotics last week and had extra so she gave it to me. It was a compounded batril antibiotic. That was as so nice of her as it would have cost around $80, she said it was meant to be that I brought Winston in today and she brought the extra antibiotic in today also.

Her kindness really made me feel good.

Winston's foot is much better, still a little red but I do notice him licking it. Other then putting a sock on it :shock:I think he'll have to live with it. Hopefully the fur will grow back soon.

The Dutchess is much better too. She was really quite sick but I didn't realize it (the poor thing). She is shedding like heck now. OMG fur every where.

Lady Vega is wonderful. She is a real gem of a bunny a very sweet personality. I honestly don't know how she lives with Winston he's such a PIGGY in the litter habits.

Dave I told my friend about my Vet, she brought her 3 year old bunny in to get neutered. I think she said it came to $167.00. That included a pre appointment, 2 weeks of antibiotics (for another issue), 5 Doses of Metacam, the Neuter under a general anesthetic. Not bad prices.

Had to stop in and see who Daisy Mae was. I'm Kreacher's Human Mom. Absolutely beautiful girl. Love her blue eyes too. Also love the rest of your bunnies.

Hope all are doing well. Hope to see more pics. They are all really awesome. Love all the sleeping bunny pics. :inlove:

K :)
It's been a while. Just wanted to let everyone know the bunnies are all doing good.

Thanks Karen for the Daisy Mae compliments . She is a sweetheart, as are the other two.

I'll try to get some new pictures up soon.


Has Winston's foot cleared up, Susan? You certainly do have a great vet! Many years ago I had a vet who would constantly not charge me for appointments because, as he said, my rabbits gave him experience that he might not have otherwise had (we're talking late 70's, when practically no one had rabbits as pets). Things have changed greatly today...a few years ago when I was strapped for cash and was constantly taking Raph to my (then) vet, he once offered me a $5.00 discount on a bill that was over $170.00 'because it was Christmas'. hhmm.

I've since changed vets and have been much happier (not because of the discount thing, but because the new vets are much more rabbit saavy). Anyway, Winston is far too cute to be sporting a boo-boo! I hope he's feeling much better now...and hope things are going well for you too! :kiss:
Hi Serenity, I use to have 6 Bunnies. Then divorce happened.

He took Wilbur & Jackie (also Fluffy who he had found roaming in a mall parking lot after we were separated but he brought him to our house so I took care of him too for about 8 months).

My Beautiful Buttercup went to the Rainbow Bridge August 27, 2011 and Jackie went 1 week later.

I now have Daisy Mae, Winston & Vega.

Winston counts for like two bunnies he's the messiest bunny I have ever had. I have to put ceramic tiles in their cage as he pees 75% of the time outside of the 2 litter boxes in their cage. I honestly don't know how Vega puts up with his messiness, except she Loves him dearly.

Thanks Nela, she is a sweetie. Nicest Blue eyes too, I'm so jealous.

