Soooska's Bunny Burrow 2009 - 2011

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That's not fair posting such beautiful close-ups!!! Now I need all of your bunners, instead of just Buttercup. I just need to smoochie them up for a while. I promise I'll give them back.... :p
Yay, thanks for the pics :)

To me, it looks like Vega just woke up in this one :D

Yaaaay Susan! Thank you for sharing the pictures! Buttercup looks so sweet oh and Vega... Vega I just want to bunnynap. :pThey all are gorgeous!
Thanks Dave, Buttercup wants to know where Indiana is.:biggrin:

So I bought myself a Electric Fireplace yesterday, I had it delivered and had the guy put it togetherfor me. My God I wouldn`t have had it out of the box by the time he had it together.

Anyways Buttercup loved the fireplace at the house, he`s not quite use to this one yet. I did get a couple of pictures of him by the fireplace.




Thanks Jan, Buttercup is actually laying in front of the fireplace more the last or two. He's so cute and such an Angel.

Here are a few pictures of the Dutchess resting.






Just a quick FYI, in the one pictures you can see the wrecked baseboard. That was NOT done by any of the bunnies. Unfortunately this is an old building an it`s one of the many bad things about this apartment.

Anyone know of any good jobs in the GTA that pays well, keep me in mind. I need a better job so I can afford to buy my own little house.



So cute!
Your buns are always so clean I can't even get yuki to clean his bottom really need to find a good groomer that can wash him lol
Is that a little spot on the top of Daisy's tail that I see?!! So cute that you get to see her spot when she is all relaxed!! :biggrin:
Yes Janet that`s a little spot on her tail. As she gets older the spots seem to get bigger or maybe it`s my Bifocals magnifying them. LOL.

Most of the time they are pretty clean. Sometimes I have to give them Butt Baths which they don`t like but that`s too bad. lol. I bought a very mild kitten shampoo at Global Pets that I use. I always make sure to toweldry them as much as I can.

i bought a shampoo for rabbits and other little critters and Yuki seems to like it but he gets so dirty so quickly and he just refuses to clean him self maybe i can do your buns nails and you can help me clean my messy bun lol
Awww Susan, you make me so happy when you post pictures of your wee ones! :biggrin2:The fireplace looks great and I am glad Buttercup is enjoying it. He is such an adorable bun. Daisy Mae looks splendid as always. Her hair always makes me smile. Thinking of you always and wishing you a nice day :bouquet:
Susan, your Buttercup makes me want to run on over and kiss him all over... :inlove:His name suits him perfectly. :biggrin:
Susan, even though you've probably posted it at some time in the past, I never really knew (or it's possible I knew at one point and then forgot...I have a terrible memory) but have wondered for some time now, where did your babies come from? I'd love to read about their background and how each of them came to you. (And if there was a voting contest on RO for the person with the most adorable bunnies, I'd have to vote for yours. Every one of them is just too cute!!)
Hi Di, thanks for the lovely compliments on the babies.

Buttercup came from one of Chris' former co-workers. His bunny had babies, we got Buttercup. Wilbur & Jackie (Chris has them now) were bought at a Pet store. As was Daisy Mae. Winston & Vega came from the States. Remember they stayed at different peoples houses from RO. Haley ended up bringing them tome. Fluffy who was never really mine (Chris also has him now) was found wandering around a parking lot, Chris chased him for about 15 minutes then caught him. He was a Lovely rabbit.
