Soooska's Bunny Burrow 2009 - 2011

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Awe... Thanks Susan for posting the beautiful pics of Buttercup. He looks like such a little angel sleeping like that. I miss having a sun-seeker bunner -- that was my Patrick's job... At least I get to seesweet Buttercup enjoying the sun's warmth. :D

Will you be able to find a place closer to your work, or is that out of your price-range?
I'm just going through all the pictures and Daisy Mae is gorgeous and your cat/bunny Winston looks like the Phantom of the Opera! So darn cute!
Awwww baby Buttercup is so sweet :inlove: I like your piggy towel ?? Is that towel or a blanket ? It's so cute and looks so soft :) It's so matchable with her sweetness.
Awww, look at the little sun-worshipper. He looks so cute and relaxed (and totally adorable) :)

Good luck on the house hunting. Good that yours sold fairly quickly. Perhaps you should take the babies with you when you look - just for their opinion ;)

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Buttercup was very pleased that everyone thinks he's cute.

Vircia Buttercup is actually a boy, when we first got him we were told the he was a she. We had him for quite a while before we discovered she was a he. He actually knew his name and we were so use to him being Buttercup we just kept it.

The blanket I made for him, it's made out of fleece. I've made numerous Blankets and pillows for all the babies. They are very spoilt, but they deserve it.


He Jan I should take the Babies with me when I'm looking for an apartment I'd probably get a nicer one cause they are just so darn cute. lol
Oh BBB : Baby Boy Buttercup ! :) I thought he was she. Well, I guess I'm no good at sexing bunnies. With my girl too, we thought she was a he, until the vet told us later that she's a girl. :D lol. Wow that blanket is a hand-made :) Nice ! it's look real soft. I agree with you :) they deserve to be spoiled ! :p
[align=center]HAPPY 5TH GOTCHA DAY [/align]

[align=center]MY BEAUTIFUL DAISY MAE[/align]

[align=center]LOVE [/align]


[align=center]:big kiss::flowerskiss::pinkelepht::party0002::pink iris::purplepansy::group::grouphug:trio[/align]
Whew I just looked through your whole blog and I am just totally overloaded with cuteness :heartbeat:

I can't believe Buttercup is 12, WOW that is just amazing!
It sucks that you don't have all 6 bunnies with you anymore but sometimes life throws you for a loop and all you can do is your best!

Your babies are so you make all their blankets and pillows yourself?

I really need to learn how to sew, haha
Thanks for all the wishes for Daisy Mae, she appreciated them all.

Thanks Brandy for the nice comments about my Babies. I really miss Wilbur & Jackie but unfortunately their is nothing I can do about it. I'm sure(or at least hoping)Chris is taking good care of them. And yes I do make all of their blankets, pillows, hats and most of the outfits. I haven't sewn for a while. Once I move i'll try to get back into it. I should start my own Bunny Business and sell my stuff on Ebay.


i read thru a good part of ur blog and i feel like i just rode a rollercoaster with you..first off ur buns are stinkin ..i mean STINKIN cute..all of em..its awesome to hear the love and devotion in ur words for them...i now understand ur words in my blog about ur buns being ur saviour..2nd im sorry about ur no good for nothing son of a ....good riddance husband....just had to get that out....ehem...but i gotta tell u ...u should celebrate that ur not sharing ur world with someone who doesnt cherish being in it.....ok so should i stop bashing him? have i crossed a line.?..cuz if not i got a ton of good reasons why this is a blessing in disguise.....
ill be good...sigh...
i hope the buns hes got are doin well with him ..and i hope if they arent that he will bring them back to their momma ...if they are doing well then kudos to him .i still gotta read like 50 more pages of ur blog .but i gotta do it later...gotta go make some money u know bunnies arent cheap..hehe..
u asked about my house being large or not...its a good size but we are in the process of going bigger ...not for us ..for the bunnies..hehe..9 bunnies in good size cages take up some room ya know..first i had to get rid of the kitchen who cares ...then....i had to get rid of the huge entertainment a smaller one...compact..hehe next the coffee table got booted out ...yep the buns are taking over the house..and i wouldnt want it any other way...but we need to go bigger ...especially for my boyfriends daughter shes 5 and well shes got lots of barbies and girly stuff ..she needs a bigger room and maybe a loft with it or something...
so i have tons of questions about ur buns but im not gonna ask cuz i need to finish ur blog ..but i still havent read whats wrong with Buttercup?..he has such a content knowledgable look about he knows the answers to all the questions ...and Winston..oh my gosh..striking just striking...ill be back to read the rest of ur excellent blog............and get to know the little ones who watch over you.
[align=center]Maybelle disapproves of the lack of updates :p[/align]
[align=center]Luv ya Susan![/align]
hi, a quickie update. I have moved from my "lovely" house to a 2 bedroom apartment. OMG no fun with 4 Bunnies to boot.

Winston & Vega and Daisy Mae are in one bedroom. Unfortunately I haven't been able to let them out of their cages as of yet. They do have fairly big NIG cages. I was a bit upset about this until a couple of my friends said they will be ok and they are much better off then being stuck in a tiny cage at a rescue or in someones basement.

Buttecup has a good size enclosure in the Living Room. i just have to put everything away so i can let him out. Mind you i have a million wires that I need to protect.. Eventually i am going to buy one of those electric fireplaces that are made to hold my "NEW" LCD TV.

Pictures soon hopefully


Welcome back! It's not the same without you.

Your friends are very right ;)They are much better off with you. I'm sure if you had asked them, they'd have chosen you over anything. Even if it would have meant a tiny cage... :flowerskiss:

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