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I am very sorry. I would take Lissa's advice,spend as much time as you can with him. When I lost my Grandfather Iwas in Florida... I had to say goodbye to him on the phone.:(

I just lost my granma not this christmas but the one before. I NEVER left her side.

Say all you have to say, and love all you can love.

Again, I am very sorry.

My dear MyBunnyBoys, you know that my deepestwell of compassion is with you and your family. You'vesuffered so much tragedy over this last year. I wish that Icould wave a wand and make it all better for you.

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way ...
Oh Hun,
My heart is with you. I lost my Grandpa and Grandma both to cancer.They were like a mom and dad to me we were very close so my heart goesout to you along with my prayers.

I just want you to know how sorry I am about your Grandpa and that I'llbe thinking of you and your family. You seem to have had way more thanyour share of sorrow this year.

With love

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Your family will be kept in our thoughts through this difficult time.

Hi Laura, it seems that most people have to dealwith the issue of cancer at some point in their lives - sometimes moreoften than once. It seems to be the cause that touches almosteveryone at least once in their lives when they lose someone they loveor see someone suffering.

My Dad has terminal cancer too. He is 57. Heatsrted in 2002 with kidney cancer, they removed his kidney but likeyour Grandad - the cancer had spead further so there is nothing theycan do. He now suffers from lung cancer, spinal cancer andcancer of the nervous system. He too can't have anything moredone to clear him of the cancer and there are only painkillers to easehis pain.

I know so many people have posted stories for your to read - I hope youdraw some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this battleagainst such a dreadful disease, so many of us know the pain you areexperiencing and we are all here to talk.

You've been in my thoughts and prayers since I found out.

I'm at a loss for words. Spend as much time as you can with him.


I'm sure this is so hard for yourgrandma. I still look at my grandpa and cry becauseheisso empty without her. She was a hugepart of him. It almost seems like he's missinganarm or a legor something. Well, you know what Imean.Your grandma is going to need a lot of loveand support. Hang on to each other.
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I know to cherish what time I have left. I don't mean to makethings sound like I don't care but I hope he passes quick. I don't wanthim to be in pain for very long.

I think what you said then is not uncaring , it is the exact opposite,you don't want him to suffer, no one wants their loved ones to gothrough pain.

I can understand where you are coming from.

We all 'aint going anywhere, so when you feel up to it pop in and evenif you have a read and a look etc and don't post that's ok, just knowwe all care and if you can have time where you can lose yourself inhere for a while then that's a good thing :)