Sometimes karma sucks...sometimes it doesn't...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
One of the things I've been wanting to do is become a "life coach" and help people make goals and see them through. I know in this economy a lot of folks can't afford it - but some folks can. I've often been told I'm a good listener and I can help people think about things -and it makes me feel so darn good.

There is one school I've been looking at - and one program that they have is called the "Coach Training Accelerator". It is the training and lectures but not the classroom setting for the coaching school. I guess you could call it the self-study course. It is part of the training if you take the full course - which if I remember right is certified by the coaching certification folks.

The self-study course is about $700. In other words - it is out of my range.

I was on Ebay and I found someone listing a new 5 CD set and it looked very detailed. It didn't include workbooks like the course above - but it did have a lot of good information. It was $19.95. I decided to go ahead and buy it - even though it was a new seller (they did have 100% feedback).

It came on Saturday and when I opened the package I was a bit concerned. The disks looked..homemade? I put it in and started to listen to the first one - and I'm sure you see it coming....right...?

It was a bootlegged copy of the course I mentioned up above that I wanted to take.

I listened to about the first 10 minutes - just to make sure that it was what it sounded like it was going to be - and it was. So I turned it off (I don't know that I even listened to it that long) and I cried.


I think I did more than cry - I bawled. I was so looking forward to learning more about coaching....

You have to understand- Art & I have a personal policy/belief that we don't support bootlegged copies and we think its stealing. Art & I discussed it and he said, "You really shouldn't listen to it without first talking to the school ..." and I really did agree with him.

I hoped that if I contacted them - they would ask me to listen to it all - take notes - whatever - and then send them the discs. Or something.

So I called and left a message with the school about what had happened...and waited for them to call back today.

I just got off the phone w/ the person I'd left a message for....I gave them the email address and contact information for the person who sold the discs plus I am sending the school the discs tomorrow to a certain person's attention. I am also including the mailer it came in since that makes it mail fraud or something like that too. (Can you tell I'm against bootleggers??).

Meanwhile - in appreciation for this - because the seller was listing 5 of these at a time on Ebay...the school is sending me the COMPLETE $700 course - with workbooks, etc. - as their way of saying thank you.

I'm in shock. As I told Lisa when we spoke on the phone - "Character is what you do and who you are when no one is looking...". She told me that my coming forward about this really helped encourage her that there are honest people in the world still.

I don't know about that...all I know is - sometimes Karma sucks...and sometimes when you think things are so darn horrible....they turn out ok after all.

Now I'm sitting here in tears again - but at least they're happy tears....

I'm sitting here in tears and in shock...still.....even though its been almost an hour.

As I was just telling Art - this school was the one that I liked the most and the hours I get from it would count towards official certification - AND - getting this course for free - basically drops around 1/4 of the fees. It brings it down to $1900 to do the classroom portion - which is still not doable (yet) - but it makes my dreams more accessible and believable.

I think you would make a really goodlife coach, and no matter how much it costs to do the course you should do it, find a way to do it if you think it is something you really want to do and if it would make you really happy.
That's fantastic. Honesty pays! Literally :p

Do you feel Life Coaching is right for you right now? I just get the feeling you didn't feel it was quite right before and wanted to work towards being able to do it. Do you feel now you have done that?
Flashy wrote:
That's fantastic. Honesty pays! Literally :p

Do you feel Life Coaching is right for you right now? I just get the feeling you didn't feel it was quite right before and wanted to work towards being able to do it. Do you feel now you have done that?
Do I feel like it is right for me at this time to START a practice? Nope. Even though I'd like to do so - I don't think it is right.

However - I do feel like it is right for me to begin training towards becoming a coach and that was actually part of my goals for this year - to read books not only about coaching but also HOW to coach.

The course they're sending me is a 20 week course - so it isn't an "overnight" thing by any means. And while I want to study and complete it - getting my own home (and life) in order is still my number one priority. Doing my collage that I shared about in my blog - really made me think about some things and I hope to write more about them later in my blog...

I think the biggest eye opener for me - was on Saturday - realizing that I was tired and depressed and down and WANTED to go back to bed and cover my head and sleep away the day - and yet - I didn't.

I CHOSE to get the rabbit food (which was a necessity), go to the library (which was about nurturing myself in the long run), go get groceries (taking care of my family), call my mom for our weekly call (which focused on her) - and even make a decent supper for us.

I realized that I didn't HAVE to be sent to bed by depression but that I could choose to work through it and have a good day.

And honestly.....on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best...the day turned out to probably be a 5 or a 6. Not bad. Not great - but not bad.

Had I gone back to bed - I would've rated it a 2.

I still don't want to rush into coaching others - but I've been spending a lot of time that I used to spend on the forum - into learning more and nurturing myself....

I know I will be ready someday - both physcially - emotionally - mentally - and even financially.

Till then - I work on getting ready!


P.S. For those who are wondering - coaching is different than counseling or mentoring. When you go to a counselor - you work on the past and try to understand it and grow from it. When you work with a mentor - they share their wisdom and experience and give you guidance to live by or make decisions by or whatever. But a coach's job is to ask questions about you and your present life (and even some of the past) - so you can figure out the things you want to change about the future and then they help you set goals so you can achieve those changes. You check in with them on a regular basis (your appointments) about how you're doing on the goals you yourself set...and talk about obstacles, etc. But when it comes to coaching the philosophy is largely that you know/have the answers but its a matter of asking the right questions to help you find them!

It sounds like you have really thought it through :) This couldn't have come at a better time really then.
That's really wonderful! How exciting! I'm so glad it turned out so well for you.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as a life coach, I've heard of finacial coaches but not life coaches. It sounds like something I could do with.
I think it's ironic that they were selling bootlegged copies of something to teach you to be a life coach--I mean, isn't a life coach supposed to be a very ethical person that their clients trust deeply? Bootlegging/having bootlegged stuff just doesn't fit with that. I guess by notifying the school you passed your first life coach test--ethics!
Wow, what a great story! I think it's brilliant that you stuck to your beliefs, did the honest thing, and got rewarded for it in return. Not often that happens nowadays...

I've been to some training sessions with life coaches- my last job was as a 'coach' but in the customer services call centre I worked in. Basically, if someone wasn't performing well, we had to 'coach' them to do better. It didn't work AT ALL in that setting- people just didn't care enough about a telephone job to want to better themselves, and to participate in the sessions and get the most out of them. In that setting, it was a total joke, which was a real shame. But the training was fantastic and the life coach that trained us was brilliant. We all had little one-to-one sessions and he really got me to think about some things, without realising it.

Anyway, that was all a bit OT, sorry...

I do think you'd make an awesome life coach. Your posts are always so insightful, I can imagine you being really good at it and really making a difference to people :)

Congratulations! :D
mouse_chalk wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
What's that mean?!
It means, "Praise the Lord".

{I know many of our RO friends have strong opinions on religion, but I'm trusting that they don't hijack Peg's thread to express their thoughts on this expression. ;) (Obviously, a person could start their own thread on it, if they want :)). }

Peg and I happen to be of a like mind, in religious matters, so I knew that she would acceptmy "PTL". :D

wabbitmom12 wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
What's that mean?!
It means, "Praise the Lord".

{I know many of our RO friends have strong opinions on religion, but I'm trusting that they don't hijack Peg's thread to express their thoughts on this expression. ;) (Obviously, a person could start their own thread on it, if they want :)). }

Peg and I happen to be of a like mind, in religious matters, so I knew that she would acceptmy "PTL". :D
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any offence! I just had never seen the abbreviation before- I did have a good think to try and figure it out, but I couldn't think of it, that was all! :) If I had thought about it I guess I could have looked it up lol...
I'm back (just got my haircut) - and have received an email from the seller since I left them a negative feedback about selling bootlegged stuff. Here is their response (I'm sorta laughing)..
[align=left] "There is nothing illegal about it. That's the way it came when I ordered it. It's not illegal to resell something that you buy. You should have been grateful for saving over 700 dollars. Instead of trying to be a trouble maker. Make sure you place close attention to the section about Karma and gratitude. You should have contacted me before leaving the negative feedback

I guess I'm supposed to assume that they bought X number of copies of these? I don't know....all I know is they've offered like 5 sets for sale at this price plus a larger set at $99.95.

Should be interesting to watch it play out....I know that when I talked to the coaching school....they said that they had not authorized anyone else to sell their stuff.

As a side note - I was getting my hair done and the stylist starts opening up and telling me things (without me asking) - she and I and Art were the only ones there...and he's sitting in the chair thinking, "Its happening to Peg again....people open up to her and start telling her stuff without her ever asking or saying a word...HOW DOES IT HAPPEN?"

Its either a gift - or a curse - I choose to look at it as a gift....I think.

ROFLOL - yeah - PTL wouldn't be as well known outside of the religious community like LOL and ROFLOL and OMG and stuff like that...don't worry about asking.

Wow! What a lucky break! I understand how disappointed you must have been, but it turned out for the greater good! It makes me happy to see that there are honest people out there, too! :)

Bravo I'm so proud you had the courage to stand up and take action so many people these days just sit back and take crap from people. Well All I can say is you really do deserve that set of course cd's and workbooks for free. If only more followed the honest root instead of a cheap way to make some $$$'s.


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