Well-Known Member
I know I haven't been on in awhile, but I had to take Pip in to the vet this morning. He spent all night on my bed, which is only slightly odd, but when I pulled him up to me to snuggle him his ears were a bit cool considering he'd been snuggled on my bed, and he'd peed on the bed, which is something he never does. I put him on the floor and instead of running circles and begging for his morning piece of apple he just sort of sat there all hunched up like he was uncomfortable. I called the vet and took him in at 11:30. The vet felt around and looked him all over and asked me questions, and since he was still pooping he wasn't too worried, but he said they seemed a bit dry and so he gave him 1cc of something called Lax'aire (it's a laxative and lubricant for cats and dogs) and told me to give him 1cc each day for 5 days and he also gave him some fluids to help. He said he should get better and to call him tomorrow to check in and let him know if he gets any worse. Pip has been under the bed all day except for when I was cleaning his litter box and he came out briefly to see what was up. I heard him chewing on his cardboard box a bit and he's pooped some, but he hasn't eaten anything or drank that I've seen. Has anyone else's bunnies had something like this? The vet said he might just be a bit backed up/constipated and probably not feeling well. He seemed to know what he was talking about. He said if Pip doesn't seem to be feeling better to call him and they'll have to do an ultrasound. Does anyone have any home remedies I could try that might help a bit? He doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain, just not his normal self and I'm a bit worried.