JAK Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
So my boyfriend came hoem from work earlytoday....and brought me a dozen red roses. Already cut and in a glassvase with a silver bow on the front. Also i'm beaing treated to dinnerat ''someplace we don't usually go'' and a movie.
He always does nice stuff for me.... the other day be brought me homesome of my favorite tea, just to be nice. He does little things likethat. Buth e's been on me to make sure I 'keepy friday night'' open.And I have....
All this though....its just kidn of out of the ordinary. I'm gettin' one of those vibes...like something is up.
I would think he was goign to propose or something, but he's alreadydone that....many times...and failed miserably....I just got tired ofsaying no and finally just said ''ok i'll marry you'. Though therewasn't really a proposal. And geez, no ring! That always kind of upsetme. That it was less than romantic and dull and a lot of bad thignsassociated with soemthing I always wanted to happen and be all nice andsappy and stuff, y'know?
The first time he proposed....he fricking....gave it away! Isn't itsupposed to be kind of a surprise? He told me right before he did whathe was up to. And that upset me but I didn't let him on to it. Then westood there in silence for like 10 minutes. And then he asked me what Iwanted to do. Like I'm supposedto walk him through the process! Nocreativity! If I wanted to propose to myself I would have. Hestarted to recite a poem he wrote for me....which he forgot after twolines. And then presented me with a ring...totally not my style (heasked me what my taste in rings was). It was silver with a silver roseon it (the rose is a meaningful thing that goes way back). No gemsthough, it was overall....just...not an engagement ring. HE later toldme he paid $10 for it.
No, I don't have a taste for fancy expensive thigns and he knows it,he's the same way. But geez...$10 leads me to believe....you can't beserious.
I went alon with it anyways....because I really did love him. (stilldo!). and I said yes, even though I was heartbroken anddisappointed. Later, my perants were upset that I wanted toget married. Erron said he would call them and talk to them (he livedin san Diego at the time) and later mum comes and tells me she thinkswe made a good decision. And I was lke ''huh?'' and I guess Erron toldher we weren't getting married? Where was I when he made thisdecision!? I was hurt and it spurred an argument. HE said he hadn'ttold my mum that, mum said he did. blah blah blah. He then said if i'mgoign to ebthat way then it's off. And he called off our engagement.Which he later said he didn't. So much confusion. But I was hurt thathe said that, because of all the promises he made me. And how whenthigns were bad and the world against us, he would tell me '' we'regetting marriedt his summer, no matter what''. That was last summer. Hehad NEVER broken a promise to me before. I was in pieces again.
I told him I had gone through all this trouble and garbage with myperants being nasty to me for making such a decision, and I had poitelyalways told them, i'm sorry you feel that way but this is how it'sgoign to be. And I stood up for us. And now it wasn't happening. I feltlike I had wasted all that for nothing. I todl him I wasn't goingthrough all of that again just to look like a fool again. So if hewantedto rally marry me, he was goign to have to make it right with myfamily.
He asked me to marry him again. Basically we were lying in bed, and herolled over, and asked me. I declined. WTF kind of proposal is that? Healso hadn't spoken to my perants. I felt like he was really letting medown. Why do I have to hold his hand through this all the time? Thisisn't that difficult! It's not brain surgery! ITs not even sudoku! Ifit were sudoku, (that stupid box puzzle with the numbers) It would belike me writing in all the correct numbers but one and leaving him toit. I feel like i'm always leading him on, tellin him where to go. I'vesince stopped.
Then one night we were talking about rings again and fun stuff and whathe liked (he does NOT wear jewelry so I had to get SOME clue). And hespilled the beans. and told me he bought me an engagement ring. WTF youdon't TELL someone that!!! WHY!? Why is my man so dumb sometimes!?!?He's perfect in every way but sometimes he's just so so sodduummmmmbbbb!!! I pretty much was so angry I wanted to vomit and Ileft hte house int he middle of the night right then and there jsut toget away from him. I couldn't belive I had been lying next tohim. He chased me and appologzed a million times but how doesthat fix anything? I felt like a decent proposal and eerything tofollow would just NEVER happen. IT still hasn't, over a year later. HEhad describedt he ring to me and I told him he'd BETTER return it and Ihope they had a refund policy. He solemnly told me it wasn't aproblem...
Than last august, on my birthday, he took me out to breakfast and toldEat N Park it was my birthday and they gave me a cookie and sang me asong and he bought me an oreo bliss sundea that I requested but didn'teat. He joked with em about it. He's never angry with me, I love that.Then he took me to Petsmart and let me get anything I wanted for mybunnies and I got shiny white feeders and colorful waterbottles and funstuff! Then I had to go to work, and when Ig ot there, my boss wasthere (highly unusual since he had to travel the eastern US to keep allhis employees in check and spread that word about the company, Iusualyl work solely on my own) and he gave me a coupon for $10 off andI was like yay. Then I worked and Erron picked me up and myfamily all went to dinner at Lonestar and I got a big steak and mumspilledt he beans and I got sang to again and more ice cream. TheneRron took me to the barn to look after my horse and as we were leavingI went to turn the light off and Erron coems up behind me and is like''Jesse..." andI turn around and he's on one knee and pulls out a ringans asks me again. Th ring is exactly what he described to me. And isugly. And obviously totally not something I would wear. And whoproposes at a barn!? geez. It wouldn't've been that bad if he hadn'tblown it with the ring thingy again.
Whyyyyyy again...might I ask....is he so dumb? He means well...and isseriously in pieces over these mistakes he has made...what gets meis...why does he make them in the first place!?
Well after that I was just plain tired of waiting and I told him Iwasn't wearing that ring but fine i'll marry him. Because I did stillreally want to. Everything else is absolutely perfect except when itcomes to this darn proposing thing. It just turns me off from the ideaof marriage so much that I say no when he fudges up. I do not feelcompelled to reward his stupidity. But I wasn't waiting another 10years for my dum dum to figure it out. I love him and I told him Iwould.
Out date is set for end of June-Mid of July this year. A few days laterat work, he came to visit me on my lunch break and said ''here I buoghtyou something''. It was a ring. An acutal ring that didn't costanywhere in the $10-$20 range, as the last ones had. It hasemeralds and tiny diamonds on it and is silver and inset (so it doesn'tcatch on everything!) and its just...totally a Jesse ring. But thoughit's perfect and beautiful I HATE wearing it. It has absolutely NOmeaning to me. Which it should....shouldn't it? I look at it and it 'sjust a ring on my finger. There's nothing behind it. just nothing. Ihate wearing it and I even took it off for a long time but I put itback on when Grammy said something like, I still had time to do thisand that because I didn't even have a ring yet. I don't liek to talk tomy family about any relationship problems I have because of the rottenadvice and assumptions they make. so I just put that blasted thing backon.
If he were to propose to me again, it would mean absolutely nothing tome. Ia lreayd have a stupid ring. I already said yes. There isabsolutely no poin whatsoever in it. And it wouldn't make me feelbetter. And I told him this.
I've spoken to his best and closest friends about this and they toothink he's been a moron. But I made sure that they know not to tell himwhat to do. I can't really think of how he can make the situationbetter. It might have been nice if....when my ring was off and layingon his keyboard...if he maybe coul have gotten something significantengraved on it and proposed again. That might have been nice. But I'venot told ANYONE that because I know he couldn't possibly think of it onhis own, and if he had I would know someone would havet old him, andthat he hadn't done it because he really thought of it to do for me.
I'm so split. I am goign to marry him, no matter what. I can't base amarriage on hos good (or lack there of) a proposal is. I don't know ifI really even care about getting oen anymore....but all the crap that'salready happeend just gets me down like you would not believe.Especially when there's a LOT of people around me telling me they justgot engaged and how perfect everything was and how happy everyone wasfor them.
oh no i'm crying now....crap.
And I think about how stupid and difficult everything was for me....How hardly anyone supported me...and no one could be happy for me. Iwas overflooding with happiness and I couldnt' tell ANYBODY. My familyjsut turned away and lectured me. I wanted their support andtheir love and I didn't have it. All I had was my Erron. And he let medown and left me there alone when he broke off our engagement. I hadnever trusted anyone as much as I do him. And for a lon time thatreally messed up my mind. Think of one of those people in a mentalhospital that sit in the corner and mumble about things and don't alkto anyone. For many many months...that was me. I ended up in a bipolarstudy and was constantly having bloodwork done and was on sooo manydrugs (lithium! ARGH) for so many things, I was suicidal and I criedpretty much constantly. I stopped goign to school and nearly failed mysenior year. I jsut gave up on life, on everything and Iw asn't myselffor a long long time. I wouldn't see anyone or talk to my friends. Iwanted to die alone right then and there. Erron packed up his thingsand moved 2,700 miles to live and be with me for a year. And it got alittle better for a while...and then he left again to take a better jobin San Diego that was offered to him. He had had no luck getting a jobout here. he hoped to save up al ot of money for us and he did....buthe was away. He's since moved back here with me and said he should havebeen here all along, and it shouldn't've been about the money. Eitehrway, I supported him.
So here I am. in this mess. I'm so upset and depressed aboutthe whole ordeal, but at the same time, I'm so hapyp to have a man thatcares for me so much and does things for me, who protects me and lovesme and loves to do things for me tell all his friends how great I amand mkes me feel good about being me. I can be dirty with messy hairand a cold and runny nose, covered in bunny hair and hay....and allt hetime...every night....he stops to tell me how beautiful I am. Yes, Istill want to be with him..... but everything i've gone through andeverything I hoped to have....theres an empty space there that stillreally hurts. He knows I still hurt, because we're very open with eachother and I tell all. He still wants to fix that, but its been months.And no attempt has even been made. His friends say he's still workingon it...and sometimes they'll Im me and ask me if he's done anythingyet....and I always say no.
I'm sorry this has turned out to be so long and boring and stupid. Ididn't plan for it to end up as a rant....but I've had NOBODY totalkto. I thuoght my closest friends would listen. But I had 4 people in arow blow me off completely when I really really needed to talk. Andthat hurt even more and just shut me up for the last 2 months. This issomething I really can't talk to Erron about, I siad I wasn't goign tohold his hand anymore. And when I have no one to talk to....I jsut gobonkers.
God, I need somebody...anybody... I'm goign to collapse. The stress! Icoudlnt' make it through a day of work without crying....not through aday of my life without seeing some ad for wedding cakes and rings,everything reminds me of it constantly, always sad. I even lost my jobright after xmas. Erron's been paying my horse board, and for bunnyfood...and still goes out of his way for me. He's never complained buttells me every day he loves me and its ok. I can't leach off of people,I hate it. I feel like an awful person.
Anyone lend a hand? Soem advice? Tell me something nice?
He always does nice stuff for me.... the other day be brought me homesome of my favorite tea, just to be nice. He does little things likethat. Buth e's been on me to make sure I 'keepy friday night'' open.And I have....
All this though....its just kidn of out of the ordinary. I'm gettin' one of those vibes...like something is up.
I would think he was goign to propose or something, but he's alreadydone that....many times...and failed miserably....I just got tired ofsaying no and finally just said ''ok i'll marry you'. Though therewasn't really a proposal. And geez, no ring! That always kind of upsetme. That it was less than romantic and dull and a lot of bad thignsassociated with soemthing I always wanted to happen and be all nice andsappy and stuff, y'know?
The first time he proposed....he fricking....gave it away! Isn't itsupposed to be kind of a surprise? He told me right before he did whathe was up to. And that upset me but I didn't let him on to it. Then westood there in silence for like 10 minutes. And then he asked me what Iwanted to do. Like I'm supposedto walk him through the process! Nocreativity! If I wanted to propose to myself I would have. Hestarted to recite a poem he wrote for me....which he forgot after twolines. And then presented me with a ring...totally not my style (heasked me what my taste in rings was). It was silver with a silver roseon it (the rose is a meaningful thing that goes way back). No gemsthough, it was overall....just...not an engagement ring. HE later toldme he paid $10 for it.
No, I don't have a taste for fancy expensive thigns and he knows it,he's the same way. But geez...$10 leads me to believe....you can't beserious.
I went alon with it anyways....because I really did love him. (stilldo!). and I said yes, even though I was heartbroken anddisappointed. Later, my perants were upset that I wanted toget married. Erron said he would call them and talk to them (he livedin san Diego at the time) and later mum comes and tells me she thinkswe made a good decision. And I was lke ''huh?'' and I guess Erron toldher we weren't getting married? Where was I when he made thisdecision!? I was hurt and it spurred an argument. HE said he hadn'ttold my mum that, mum said he did. blah blah blah. He then said if i'mgoign to ebthat way then it's off. And he called off our engagement.Which he later said he didn't. So much confusion. But I was hurt thathe said that, because of all the promises he made me. And how whenthigns were bad and the world against us, he would tell me '' we'regetting marriedt his summer, no matter what''. That was last summer. Hehad NEVER broken a promise to me before. I was in pieces again.
I told him I had gone through all this trouble and garbage with myperants being nasty to me for making such a decision, and I had poitelyalways told them, i'm sorry you feel that way but this is how it'sgoign to be. And I stood up for us. And now it wasn't happening. I feltlike I had wasted all that for nothing. I todl him I wasn't goingthrough all of that again just to look like a fool again. So if hewantedto rally marry me, he was goign to have to make it right with myfamily.
He asked me to marry him again. Basically we were lying in bed, and herolled over, and asked me. I declined. WTF kind of proposal is that? Healso hadn't spoken to my perants. I felt like he was really letting medown. Why do I have to hold his hand through this all the time? Thisisn't that difficult! It's not brain surgery! ITs not even sudoku! Ifit were sudoku, (that stupid box puzzle with the numbers) It would belike me writing in all the correct numbers but one and leaving him toit. I feel like i'm always leading him on, tellin him where to go. I'vesince stopped.
Then one night we were talking about rings again and fun stuff and whathe liked (he does NOT wear jewelry so I had to get SOME clue). And hespilled the beans. and told me he bought me an engagement ring. WTF youdon't TELL someone that!!! WHY!? Why is my man so dumb sometimes!?!?He's perfect in every way but sometimes he's just so so sodduummmmmbbbb!!! I pretty much was so angry I wanted to vomit and Ileft hte house int he middle of the night right then and there jsut toget away from him. I couldn't belive I had been lying next tohim. He chased me and appologzed a million times but how doesthat fix anything? I felt like a decent proposal and eerything tofollow would just NEVER happen. IT still hasn't, over a year later. HEhad describedt he ring to me and I told him he'd BETTER return it and Ihope they had a refund policy. He solemnly told me it wasn't aproblem...
Than last august, on my birthday, he took me out to breakfast and toldEat N Park it was my birthday and they gave me a cookie and sang me asong and he bought me an oreo bliss sundea that I requested but didn'teat. He joked with em about it. He's never angry with me, I love that.Then he took me to Petsmart and let me get anything I wanted for mybunnies and I got shiny white feeders and colorful waterbottles and funstuff! Then I had to go to work, and when Ig ot there, my boss wasthere (highly unusual since he had to travel the eastern US to keep allhis employees in check and spread that word about the company, Iusualyl work solely on my own) and he gave me a coupon for $10 off andI was like yay. Then I worked and Erron picked me up and myfamily all went to dinner at Lonestar and I got a big steak and mumspilledt he beans and I got sang to again and more ice cream. TheneRron took me to the barn to look after my horse and as we were leavingI went to turn the light off and Erron coems up behind me and is like''Jesse..." andI turn around and he's on one knee and pulls out a ringans asks me again. Th ring is exactly what he described to me. And isugly. And obviously totally not something I would wear. And whoproposes at a barn!? geez. It wouldn't've been that bad if he hadn'tblown it with the ring thingy again.
Whyyyyyy again...might I ask....is he so dumb? He means well...and isseriously in pieces over these mistakes he has made...what gets meis...why does he make them in the first place!?
Well after that I was just plain tired of waiting and I told him Iwasn't wearing that ring but fine i'll marry him. Because I did stillreally want to. Everything else is absolutely perfect except when itcomes to this darn proposing thing. It just turns me off from the ideaof marriage so much that I say no when he fudges up. I do not feelcompelled to reward his stupidity. But I wasn't waiting another 10years for my dum dum to figure it out. I love him and I told him Iwould.
Out date is set for end of June-Mid of July this year. A few days laterat work, he came to visit me on my lunch break and said ''here I buoghtyou something''. It was a ring. An acutal ring that didn't costanywhere in the $10-$20 range, as the last ones had. It hasemeralds and tiny diamonds on it and is silver and inset (so it doesn'tcatch on everything!) and its just...totally a Jesse ring. But thoughit's perfect and beautiful I HATE wearing it. It has absolutely NOmeaning to me. Which it should....shouldn't it? I look at it and it 'sjust a ring on my finger. There's nothing behind it. just nothing. Ihate wearing it and I even took it off for a long time but I put itback on when Grammy said something like, I still had time to do thisand that because I didn't even have a ring yet. I don't liek to talk tomy family about any relationship problems I have because of the rottenadvice and assumptions they make. so I just put that blasted thing backon.
If he were to propose to me again, it would mean absolutely nothing tome. Ia lreayd have a stupid ring. I already said yes. There isabsolutely no poin whatsoever in it. And it wouldn't make me feelbetter. And I told him this.
I've spoken to his best and closest friends about this and they toothink he's been a moron. But I made sure that they know not to tell himwhat to do. I can't really think of how he can make the situationbetter. It might have been nice if....when my ring was off and layingon his keyboard...if he maybe coul have gotten something significantengraved on it and proposed again. That might have been nice. But I'venot told ANYONE that because I know he couldn't possibly think of it onhis own, and if he had I would know someone would havet old him, andthat he hadn't done it because he really thought of it to do for me.
I'm so split. I am goign to marry him, no matter what. I can't base amarriage on hos good (or lack there of) a proposal is. I don't know ifI really even care about getting oen anymore....but all the crap that'salready happeend just gets me down like you would not believe.Especially when there's a LOT of people around me telling me they justgot engaged and how perfect everything was and how happy everyone wasfor them.
oh no i'm crying now....crap.
And I think about how stupid and difficult everything was for me....How hardly anyone supported me...and no one could be happy for me. Iwas overflooding with happiness and I couldnt' tell ANYBODY. My familyjsut turned away and lectured me. I wanted their support andtheir love and I didn't have it. All I had was my Erron. And he let medown and left me there alone when he broke off our engagement. I hadnever trusted anyone as much as I do him. And for a lon time thatreally messed up my mind. Think of one of those people in a mentalhospital that sit in the corner and mumble about things and don't alkto anyone. For many many months...that was me. I ended up in a bipolarstudy and was constantly having bloodwork done and was on sooo manydrugs (lithium! ARGH) for so many things, I was suicidal and I criedpretty much constantly. I stopped goign to school and nearly failed mysenior year. I jsut gave up on life, on everything and Iw asn't myselffor a long long time. I wouldn't see anyone or talk to my friends. Iwanted to die alone right then and there. Erron packed up his thingsand moved 2,700 miles to live and be with me for a year. And it got alittle better for a while...and then he left again to take a better jobin San Diego that was offered to him. He had had no luck getting a jobout here. he hoped to save up al ot of money for us and he did....buthe was away. He's since moved back here with me and said he should havebeen here all along, and it shouldn't've been about the money. Eitehrway, I supported him.
So here I am. in this mess. I'm so upset and depressed aboutthe whole ordeal, but at the same time, I'm so hapyp to have a man thatcares for me so much and does things for me, who protects me and lovesme and loves to do things for me tell all his friends how great I amand mkes me feel good about being me. I can be dirty with messy hairand a cold and runny nose, covered in bunny hair and hay....and allt hetime...every night....he stops to tell me how beautiful I am. Yes, Istill want to be with him..... but everything i've gone through andeverything I hoped to have....theres an empty space there that stillreally hurts. He knows I still hurt, because we're very open with eachother and I tell all. He still wants to fix that, but its been months.And no attempt has even been made. His friends say he's still workingon it...and sometimes they'll Im me and ask me if he's done anythingyet....and I always say no.
I'm sorry this has turned out to be so long and boring and stupid. Ididn't plan for it to end up as a rant....but I've had NOBODY totalkto. I thuoght my closest friends would listen. But I had 4 people in arow blow me off completely when I really really needed to talk. Andthat hurt even more and just shut me up for the last 2 months. This issomething I really can't talk to Erron about, I siad I wasn't goign tohold his hand anymore. And when I have no one to talk to....I jsut gobonkers.
God, I need somebody...anybody... I'm goign to collapse. The stress! Icoudlnt' make it through a day of work without crying....not through aday of my life without seeing some ad for wedding cakes and rings,everything reminds me of it constantly, always sad. I even lost my jobright after xmas. Erron's been paying my horse board, and for bunnyfood...and still goes out of his way for me. He's never complained buttells me every day he loves me and its ok. I can't leach off of people,I hate it. I feel like an awful person.
Anyone lend a hand? Soem advice? Tell me something nice?