Ooh, he's a cutie alright! I have two cockatiels, Arthur actually turns 10 years old on Thanksgiving (and so do my ratties! Well, 1 year old for them) and Luca will be 6 in February. I love my tielies, but I didn't know a whole lot about all the different parrots when I got Arthur. I had done my research on cockatiels for a good 2 years before getting Arthur (and Michaela, his original mate, who sadly died 4 years ago... Luca was her "replacement"), so I was quite well versed on cockatiel behavior and care. But if I had known then what I do now about the different types of parrots, I probably would have got a green cheek conure. They just seem like the greatest little guys. What I've read about them says they're generally well dispositioned and less prone to the "parrot crazies" and behavior problems, they like to play, and they aren't usually super screamy (which I cannot say about Mr. Luca, who is a regular screamin' machine, much to my dismay since we have someone in the apartment next door). I probably won't ever have a green cheek conure, but if I wanted to get a birdy now, they're what I'd get. 10 or 15 years from now I really want to get a male Eclectus, though. I just adore them and read everything about them I can! Hopefully I will get my Elliott (male Ekkies all look like they should be named Elliott for some reason) someday.
I guess I wasn't that good at beind discouraging, but you seem like you'd be a great birdy mama and I trust you will do the right thing for you and the bird :biggrin2: