Someone please help - ILL AGAIN

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Thanks Rosie. Yeah you were on with the stasis. I will take her to the vet for the urine analysis because she was pretty soaked but it's probably just because Bam-Bam is making a lake when he pees. They are all drinking and peeing more due to the heating which makes it hot and dry.

Can't believe how much she scared me AGAIN.I think I'm the one that's gonna go into stasis and all that if she continues :pBam-Bam is all over her right now as she is back in her cage since she just kept running off to play with Houdina...:?Of course she's not 100% and is quite wobbly. Her weight terribly worries me and I really cannot believe the rate at which it fluctuates and how quickly it happens :?Gonna have to buy a scale and start monitoring it a bit more closely I think.

I thought maybe Bam-Bam was eating most of the food himself but he lets her eat first and eats while she's chewing. Plus, they have separate bowls even though they totally ignore the concept of one bowl for each. They just share both. Lol.

Thanks again everyone :hug:It sucks being home alone when these things happen. I don't know how I'd get by without you guys. Can't believe my computer didn'tcrash.
I've dealt with myxo in the past and watched it kill 2 of mine without the vet ever knowing what it was. I live in constant fear of reliving it. However, all my buns are on the same feed and it's great quality (freshness wise) and as for the hay they are all eating the same thing as well (except the babies and Flore have alfalfa mixed in). I figured if one had it, they'd all have it.

But yeah I admit that at first, I didn't even think of stasis but that's because I found her in a worse state than usual and I guess it's still too new to me to have realized just how bad it gets and that even stasis can be as fatal as anything else :?The first thing I thought was she ate the carpet which she had done months ago, but she hasn't touched it since I sprayed my nasty vinegar mix.

The one thing I don't like about having 2 bunnies together is trying to figure out the poops. I can't tell what belongs to whom and with Wiggles it's becoming a regular need. Any ideas?
MsBinky wrote:
The one thing I don't like about having 2 bunnies together is trying to figure out the poops. I can't tell what belongs to whom and with Wiggles it's becoming a regular need. Any ideas?
I would say get them in your room and watch them run around. Each bun will probably have a distinctive type of poo, or at least some sort of subtle difference, and then you should be able to identify from their litter trays which belongs to which (this is what I did with the Dopeys and Cloud who live in a trio and it worked well).
So glad she's doing better...just keep a good eye on her now.

About how many different things I posted...I thought I would throw everything out there, in case one lit up a lightbulb of thought as to what it could be. Seems it worked, yay!

Keep us posted on her progress, ok?

Oh, and keep reading the GI Stasis articles...lots of GOOD suggestions there, and try using the RO search button to search "stasis" and such things. Try searching symptoms and such.

I would give you RO threads right now, but I can hardly keep my eyes open, and need to get some sleep.


She's down again. I called the vets and they have no one :tantrum:Not even for Sub-Q. I asked :bangheadMy father was willing to loan me the money but I have nowhere to go. Even the one on Sherbrooke is closed :cry1:
Ok, take some deep breaths, she will sense if you are stressed.

If this vets isn't open, is there are other vets around? even if they do cats and dogs,surely that might be better than nothing for sub-Q?

What did you do last night? How is she compared to yesterday?

When this crisis is over, and hopefully she pulls through, it will be worth getting your regular vet to teach you sub-Q and also get Wiggles checked to see if something causes this.

We are here with you!
Every vet I called that does emergencies refuses to treat a rabbit :cry1:She's chewing on wood but she's extremely weak. Houdina was crying again and sure enough there she was, at the bottom of the cage, on her side. :cry1:

For sure there is something going on. And I will be equipping myself with sub q material if they let me. It's so complicated. :(
*hugs* I wish I knew what to suggest. I know I'm not much use, but i'm more than happy to keep you 'company' I'm in chat if you want to take me up on that :)

I hope someone useful will come along in a bit.

This might sound stupid, but have you read the replies that people gave yesterday, maybe they might help today and remind you of something you hadn't though of today.
Is there anyone on the forum near you who could help in anyway?
I'm thinking this is a urinary issue that just didn't get caught the first time around. I think you should continue what you were doing yesterday, and call your regular vet as soon as you can (i.e. when they're open) to see if you can take a taxi over to get her thoroughly checked out.

What EXACTLY are her symptoms today?

Flashy's back through all the stuff I posted and see if any of thsoe symptoms fit. Check everything you can on her...feel her head to toe for lumps...check her mouth, EVERYTHING. List out what you find.
I'm thinking the same thing. I had a foster over the summer that stopped eating and pooping and peeing. She also lost weight over a short period of time. Turns out she had a very large stone. That was determined on necropsy. She had other things wrong that one vet missed.

Iwould ask for blood work and x-rays. I know that is more money but itwould be worth it.
I'm going to ask that this thread be closed for personal reasons.

Thank you all for your help. Please do not take offense. Right now it's just very difficult for me.

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