Somebody Please Help!!!

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If I decide to get another one I will get it from somebody who is aware of their rabbits. I wish that I had known enough when I got Bambi to ask a few questions.Instead of feeling sorry for Bambi because of being under weight, I should have known it was an indication of something. But, I thought "I will bring her home and fatten her right up, and spoil her rotten!"

Bunny is still doing great. Eating and drinking like crazy! Gaining weight at a fast and steady pace.

This may sound extreme to some, but I burned Bambi's enclosure and all of her stuff. I did not want to take any chances of there being a virus/infection/germs that could get to Bunny.

I have been doing a little research and it does sound like a blockage/g.i.stasis. I did not know anything about it at the time. But, also from what I have read and according to the signs that Bambi was showing from the time I got her, it would have already been to late for me to do anything for her.

She barely drank water, did not have the appetite that Bunny has, and her poops were small in size and quantity.

I thought it was just a different rabbit, therefore different behaviors.

If something like this were to happen to Bunny, I would notice right off because I am so used to her behaviors.

Again, Thank you all so much for your concern, well wishes and very helpful information.

Bunnylady- so sorry for your loss.
Hi Bunnysmom,

I am sorry for your loss too. I am glad to hear that you are doing some research. Did you get another bunny? If there is any questions you might have or concerns.Just let me know. I will see if I can help.Sometimes it is hard doing it all by yourself. This is what the bunny forum is about. i think it is great.



No, I didn't get another one.

I got my first one, Bunny, the Saturday before Easter. Then I got Bambi last Saturday.

I wanted to get Bunny a friend before she got to old to want to reject it. That's why I got Bambi. But, now I think I will wait until I get Bunny altered, or just opt to let her be alone. I will wait and see how she ends up acting, and until I can do a lot more reading up on bonding and companionship for rabbits.

You are so right, I have learned a great deal from this message board in the short amount of time that I have been here.

The people are so friendly and informative, and there are awesome links for everything pertaining to rabbits!
Hi bunnysmom,

Did you have the two of them together? Please keep a eye on bunny.I guess bambi was a girl? bunny is? Well I wish you the best with your new adventure into bunnyl and. it is a wonderful place.I love bunnies.I have about 30.

No, they were not together. I had just gotten Bambi. I only had him/her for a day and a half before he/she passed away. I am not sure of the sex of either, so I was taking it safe until they were altered.

Thanks for the concern though.

I am keeping a very close eye on Bunny. Today is the fourth day since Bambi died and so far Bunny is doing great.