Well-Known Member
whaleyk98 wrote:
If you're planning to breed for show...I would not be putting deposits on animals that aren't born yet or are just born. You have no idea what their body type will be...and the general principle from what I've always heard is "set your type first..then work on color...".
Please don't get mad at me - or offended...ok? Please?Peg, I totally forgot to add my black buck. He is my favorite too. He is about 4 months old. So I have a total of 4 bucks right now.
As for the new buns, the tri and pointeds, Im not sure what sex they will be as they arent even born yet or have just been born. I do know that I have way too many bucks right now so I am leaning towards does if she has any. It is really confusing...and I know Im not the only person to have this problem....to figure out what color goes with what. I have done so much research on this topic that I have started writing it down in a journal,lol. There have been some really great works on this subject and you can bet that I have them all saved on my favorites!
If you're planning to breed for show...I would not be putting deposits on animals that aren't born yet or are just born. You have no idea what their body type will be...and the general principle from what I've always heard is "set your type first..then work on color...".