Some Fecal Mucous...(again)...

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angieluv wrote:
Gabriel (RIP) had megacolon and no matter what I did nothing had any pattern to it ; so it was sort of like I really did not have any control over his problem. he most often had his slimey big and small gross poops and then would periodically go into stasis. I did use motility drugs on him because he was impossible to handle and nothing else I did worked.
I think that Zoe is similar in that it seems as if there is just no way to get control over this condition and she is more prone to stasis than Gabriel was.
What's ironic is that I, for those five (mostly) carefree months', had Zoe's fecals nearly perfect. Nothing mushy or slimy; no mucous; nothing bone-dry. Just nearly round, uniformly-sized fecals. This is rather twisted to say, but they were a beautiful sight to me.
ithink that she would do better at home than at the vets and if she did have problems the sitter would catch them at some point and take her to the vet and then if the vet thought she needed to stay there you could do that.
There's definite truth in thebelief that she'd be more comfy at home. Still, I worry that 1.5 hours' time of the sitter being here would cause her to overlook things. Mind you, I have(kindly) drilled her on the importance of checking the buns' litter boxes during both dailyvisits to assess the situation.
We are supposed to be here for the rabbits butI hate to see a personsuffers as much as you from this Jen.
I'm still convinced it would've been different if this were a gradual issue that occurred with Zoe's age. The combo. of it starting when she was just two months' old (one month after we'd gotten her) and a vet who kept promising that we could balance her gut had my need for control all out of control. Heck, it's still out of control. :(
you really need to take the vacation.
There is truth inthat statement. *sigh* The anxiety has still morphed itself into terror (of something going horribly wrong while we're gone). But I also realize that if I don't get away from it all at the moment, I neverwill. :(

PS: Thank you forthe hugs. They always make me feel better,even if momentarily. :D