Well-Known Member
im sorry you're in a situation like this. If my parents tried to do this, oh boy.. I would go nuts!
When I can predict a date or time period when she might do it, ill join irish and tehn post about it, i dont want to string anyone on the site along.That's awful
Sockey is a very beautiful dog.
There are many people who can help you. Try registering on and make an urgent post, most of the people on there are involved with or own rescues and shelters and are bound to help. They don't like to be messed around though, so make sure you really have to rehome your dog before you ask for help.
Would one of your brothers be able to take him?
I'm sorry she's being malicious, Elena. It's very cruel.
I agree with Sabine... put up a few online ads, explain your situation, and I'm hopeful that someone kind will come to Sockey and you.
I had one of these for Sparky.There are electronic collars that you can "zap" the dog with when it misbehaves... while not the best solution, they do work.
Im that might be on my christmas list...DeniseJP wrote:
I had one of these for Sparky.There are electronic collars that you can "zap" the dog with when it misbehaves... while not the best solution, they do work.
When the one that sprays citronella wasn't effective.
(We were camping.. and when he'd bark, the mosquitos instantly left.. )
At first i kept it on for a few hours,
then took it off
and everytime he'd bark i'd show it to him,
and within a span of like, 10 minutes, if he did it again i'd put it on for an hour or so.
He doesn't bark anymore, and Ihave no clue where the collar is at.