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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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a heathly hyper 10year old jack russell/pomerainian mix dog.
He does bark abit to much during the night and a grumpy man 1 door away to my back garden has told me to put him down,and to get rid of them rabbits as they attract cats.
This was a while ago, but now its stormy and gales and rain and horibble weather, and my dog gets scared and barks.
Now my mum has said she will be taking him to the vets soon enought to be put down.
He is a bit old but in perfect health. What can I do, she already let one pet die, I dont wnat another one gone from my life leaving a void in my heart which does not need anymore,




:( she is serious
They say "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" but I wonder if that's true. As far as I know there are ways to teach a dog not to bark. May be some dog owners can advice.
It can probably be done through a private trainer, but I don't know the techniques involved. There are alternatives to having a dog put to sleep though...such as rehoming.
Re-homing would be good. Have you contacted any dog rescues in the area?

I found this advice online...

One of the most effective ways to teach a dog not to bark is to teach him first to bark. Do this by finding a stimulus that results in your dog barking, then when he barks, treat/reward him immediately, and pair it with the command, "Bark." Do this repeatedly until he barks on command. Then you can introduce the "Quiet" command. Remove the cue or stimulus, and just as he stops barking, give the command and treat him the instant he is quiet. Of course, as with all new behaviors, you'll need to repeat many times to ingrain the new behavior.

sas :clover:
As a last resort you can always try a bark collar. A person I dog sit for has 2 outdoor dogs and was getting fines for having them bark too much. She now uses bark collars and the barking isn't a problem anymore.

Is your dog an outdoor dog? It can be harder to try and train a dog that lives outside as you aren't there to correct the bark as soon as it happens. For training to work you need to be there to stop it before it starts.
That is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but is your mom out of her mind? Its disgusting to have a perfectly healthy & happy animal be PTS for selfish reasons. I'd surely rehome any one of my pets before I selfishly took away their life for a dumb reason.

Whats the cranky old man going to do about it across the yard? Have police been called on you or something?

Bring the dog inside. A dog doesn't need to be outside scared to death in bad weather. There are tons of ways to solve barking issues and euthanising is not one of them.

kahlin wrote:
It can probably be done through a private trainer, but I don't know the techniques involved. There are alternatives to having a dog put to sleep though...such as rehoming.
Note- Ill reply to all posts separte

I dont and no one in the house has enough money to pay and there is no trainers in my area.

As soon as she said PTS I said REHOME CENTRE IN EGLINGTON!!! ITs not far away.
She replied with, he is an old dog no one wants him its all puppies.:grumpy:

Pipp wrote:
Re-homing would be good. Have you contacted any dog rescues in the area?

I found this advice online...

One of the most effective ways to teach a dog not to bark is to teach him first to bark. Do this by finding a stimulus that results in your dog barking, then when he barks, treat/reward him immediately, and pair it with the command, "Bark." Do this repeatedly until he barks on command. Then you can introduce the "Quiet" command. Remove the cue or stimulus, and just as he stops barking, give the command and treat him the instant he is quiet. Of course, as with all new behaviors, you'll need to repeat many times to ingrain the new behavior.

sas :clover:
As I posted above she said no to rehome, ethier centre or any other person we know.
I cant really spend all day outside in this weather
  • heavy rain
  • Max: 10°C
  • Min: 7°C
He does not really bark alot just during the night when the 7 trees near my house creak, the wind howls and rain pelts down etc which is happening for the next week..
I have medical issues aswell.

degrassi wrote:
As a last resort you can always try a bark collar. A person I dog sit for has 2 outdoor dogs and was getting fines for having them bark too much. She now uses bark collars and the barking isn't a problem anymore.

Is your dog an outdoor dog? It can be harder to try and train a dog that lives outside as you aren't there to correct the bark as soon as it happens. For training to work you need to be there to stop it before it starts.
My dog is an outdoor dog since he was 6months old.
He cant be brought in side due to failed atempts of "toliet training" him.
I think the bark collar is a good idea, but how high is the fequency of the noise be, will it hurt his ears for very long, and might my rabbits who share the yard with him be affected by the nosie.
undergunfire wrote:
That is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but is your mom out of her mind? Its disgusting to have a perfectly healthy & happy animal be PTS for selfish reasons. I'd surely rehome any one of my pets before I selfishly took away their life for a dumb reason.

Whats the cranky old man going to do about it across the yard? Have police been called on you or something?

Bring the dog inside. A dog doesn't need to be outside scared to death in bad weather. There are tons of ways to solve barking issues and euthanising is not one of them.

I do think she is out of her mind in many many ways,
I WOULD rehome but i dont have that choice. No, the cranky old man, just he shouted at my mum and me about then, and sockey helps her up at night with barkinga nd she thinks it keeps the old people up akake. It does not affect anyone else in my house and john and me have rooms closer to his kennel.
As i said he cant be brought inside for some reason, and my mum is opening a cake bussiness, no animals in the house.
She has said agian this morning about this issue and smirked.
She is going out of her way to hurt me deep down. And that I will hate her for the rest of my life no matter how long or short it might be.
She let one rabbit die in pain, now putting down a healthy dog, i have cried my tears of pain over and told secrets to. the only friend i had for abbout 6 years before someone asked to be my friends.
and that might be gone in a jab of a needle. Hell I hate her hurting me like this. Its like my feelings dont matter or she likes doing this to me for the past 13 years......:grumpy:
I really feel bad for you and your dog :(. I lost my precious 7 month old Zaide kitty to natural causes and that was very rough on me. If I remember correctly, you are young and have had your dog for many many years and he is perfectly healthy. I am not really sure what else to say. If that were my mom, I'd be guilt tripping her to no end any chance I got...regardless if I ended up being sent to my room for weeks.
undergunfire wrote:
I really feel bad for you and your dog :(. I lost my precious 7 month old Zaide kitty to natural causes and that was very rough on me. If I remember correctly, you are young and have had your dog for many many years and he is perfectly healthy. I am not really sure what else to say. If that were my mom, I'd be guilt tripping her to no end any chance I got...regardless if I ended up being sent to my room for weeks.
I would guilt trip her but i woukd get much much worse than sent to my room.]Yes im young (13)
There are electronic collars that you can "zap" the dog with when it misbehaves... while not the best solution, they do work.

I have hunting dogs that need to respond to my commands in the field... if they do not come when called, they get a warning beep. If I call a second time and they do not come, they get a mild zap. After a zap or two, they learn to respond to the beep... our dog trainer called it "a hearing aid for dogs." It has worked on Bridget in the house as she can get whiny even after being out and fed and a warning beep lets her know it is time to settle down. The down side is I have to have the handset in my hand for it to work... it is not automatic.

A dog that is afraid of outdoor noises may need the help of a trainer... dogs are "pack" animals and it is natural for them to want other "pack members" with them, be it another dog or their people.

Hope you can find a solution to the problem so you can keep your dog - he looks like a sweetie.

Maybe trying to rehome her through gumtree or similar sites might be worth a try.
Would one of your brothers be able to take him?
I'm sorry she's being malicious, Elena. It's very cruel.
I agree with Sabine... put up a few online ads, explain your situation, and I'm hopeful that someone kind will come to Sockey and you.
That's awful :(
Sockey is a very beautiful dog.

There are many people who can help you. Try registering on and make an urgent post, most of the people on there are involved with or own rescues and shelters and are bound to help. They don't like to be messed around though, so make sure you really have to rehome your dog before you ask for help.

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