mouse_chalk wrote:
How did you come to get him, if you don't mind me asking?
Ok, so here is the story behind my little pigger: I went to the small animal auction on Monday night to sell some old cages. This place has a large animal auction on Monday mornings, and then small animals sell Monday night. So I was taking my cages to the evening sale to hopefully make a few bucks.
At the morning sale, someone had brought a sow and her 11 pigs and sold them as a lot. The buyer decided he didn't want 11 piglets, picked out six and left them there to sell in the evening auction. He left them out in wire cages in 60 degree weather, with no water or food of any kind, from about 9am to 9pm when it was their turn to sell. One lady who was worried about them getting cold had bought one fo the "leftovers" from the guy and taken her home and fed her already, so that left only five little piggers sitting there.
By about 5pm when I came for the evening sale, all five were shivering and dehydrated, and my little guy was so weak and cold he couldn't stand up anymore. I spentalmost fourhours carrying him around wrapped in my shirt to keep him warm, and myself and a couple of other people who had seen that they were not doing well had managed to get them some water. We went and made a complaint at the sale barn office about the owner leaving them there with no care, and one of the senior guys that has been working there a long time came and looked at them. He was unhappy about it, but he said that since they were already registered to sell they had no choice but to sell them. So he moved them up so they would sell sooner and we could take them home and feed them.
The lady that had bought the first little piglet in the morning ran to her hosue and brought me some of the milk replacer she had bought for her pig, because by this time all the stores were closed and I wouldn't have been able to get him anything. It was very iffy for a coupleof days as to whether or not he was going to make it, but I think he is out of the woods now. Sorry that got so long, LOL.