So...who else is a RenFaire fan?

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Pam - have you ever dressed up for the war stuff?

I'm thinking those are probably more popular in your area cause you're where a lot of that stuff actually happened - am I right?

Ali - I was looking through the thread and saw your pictures and went "wait...I must be on my vow renewal thread....". A lot of the photos you put here - I'd put in that thread.

I'm wondering though...could it be the color blue is your favorite?


Do let us know which ONE you finally decide on going with ..... I'm dying to see how it turns out too when your mom's friend makes it...

TinysMom wrote:
Pam - have you ever dressed up for the war stuff?

I'm thinking those are probably more popular in your area cause you're where a lot of that stuff actually happened - am I right?

I've never dressed up, but I like to take Matthew so he can actually experience what we've been studying. We watched a cool French & Indian War battle in the woods - very exciting - just like we were really in the middle of the battle (very realistic - those Indians didn't wear much for pants did they? LOL)

There are quite a lot of reenacting groups in the area - many bloody battles were fought in PA and surrounding states. My son works for a WWII buff, so we also try to attend some of the stuff going on in our area.

There is going to be an amphibious dropreenactment from WWII this fall - sounds exciting.


Told ya we were choosing the same ones!

Blue...What would give you the idea?

My mom is talking to her. She said I would need a corset....Well duh!

TinysMom wrote:
Ali - I was looking through the thread and saw your pictures and went "wait...I must be on my vow renewal thread....". A lot of the photos you put here - I'd put in that thread.

I'm wondering though...could it be the color blue is your favorite?


Do let us know which ONE you finally decide on going with ..... I'm dying to see how it turns out too when your mom's friend makes it...
I had one for this...


We're a Renfaire family too! Went to the big Northern California Renfaire a few times, also the Folsom Renfaire every year, been to a Celtic one once as well.
My husband used to perform at the big Northern California Renfaire several years ago, with his father... they used to do fencing.
I have a costume, I'll have to find pics... My daughter has the blue one Jadeicing posted a pic of! She got it on EBay, and wore it to her prom :).
ok, pics....

My oldest daughter, in her blue Ren/Prom dress


My 2 daughters at Folsom RenFaire (my youngest is wearing the other's "old" costume, that I put together from thrift store clothes, and I sewed the "corset")

My oldest daughter and my son, several years ago (again, I made most of his costume, except the blue top and the shirt, they used to belong to my father-in-law))

I'll have to find a picture of me in my dress, and my husband in his costume. I know I have them somewhere..... :p
JadeIcing wrote:
Just saw this dress on their site...LOVE IT. Think I'm going to save up some money and have one done in that exact color scheme for next year's Ren Faire.

Especially with my red hair...I think it would look great! :D
Well - it looks like we've created a "Ren Faire Monster" here at our house....

We just returned from buying a sewing machine.....4 patterns, plus fabric for Art's shirt and his overcoat....(part of which he's making the pattern himself).

The patterns that we got are:


I want the blue cloak only without the doodad rickrack or whatever it is...

I'm not going to say how much of our "emergency/backup" funds are gone....just to say......


Still yet...Art is so excited (I don't sew - but he does)....

Wow...Art sews? How cool is that?! My mother was quite the seamstress...and one of the things I really regret is not having asked her to teach me. I am so talented with a needle and thread, I know I could probably teach myself, but I wouldn't know a good sewing machine from a lame!

I love the patterns, too...can't wait to see how things turn out! It's neat when you can find your own fabrics and build it all on your own!
Honestly? (Thank God Art doesn't read the forum)....

I'd rather buy mine already made - or have Zin makes them (she's a perfectionist at sewing).

Art is a "I can make it work" type of guy.....and I'm sure his costume will be such that unless you turn it over and look at will be passable - and maybe even good. As long as you don't look at it. (That's why I'm gonna not let Zin examine his workmanship).

I can't sew straight to save my its a good thing my life doesn't depend on it...
LOL...yeah, I have a feeling that, unless I had a really great teacher to show me how to sew clothing, just about anyone would be able to see flaws in it. I've done things like sew buttons back on, or resew a hem that had split, but nothing like creating something from start to finish! I would like to think that I could make my way through it...but wouldn't think of helpful little hints for this or that, and it would take YEARS to get through a dress! LOL!

At any rate, what a cool thing, him being able to make his own shirt...:D

And yeah, I want my dress done from start to finish...completely custom. :) It's just more fun that way! :)

Also, I would like to figure out how to possibly add my own beadwork (which I'm quite sure I would be able to do on my own, and I'm always so picky about such things, I should probably just do it myself, lol) to the gown...just to add a little more prettiness to it. :)

How neat...I'm excited!

And I'm really excited for you about renewing your vows, btw...I think it's such a romantic, wonderful idea! I'd like to do that at some point in the future, too. It's actually something Danny and I talked about a bit last year when we visited the Ren Faire, and saw the beautiful setup they have for weddings. :)
maherwoman wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Just saw this dress on their site...LOVE IT. Think I'm going to save up some money and have one done in that exact color scheme for next year's Ren Faire.

Especially with my red hair...I think it would look great! :D
To show the color of my hair and why the green would look nice...


maherwoman wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Just saw this dress on their site...LOVE IT. Think I'm going to save up some money and have one done in that exact color scheme for next year's Ren Faire.

Especially with my red hair...I think it would look great! :D
When I saw that dress I was all mouth open..

My hair is flame flamey flamest red right now.. I was thinking the EXACT same thing..
I'm still a dork and dont "get" it (I'll have to google it I suppose, though I have a general idea) but I LOVE the blue Hazel-Mom's daughter wore and that green is awesome!

"Ren" is for Renaissance Faire or Festival. There are all sorts of acts that take place there for entertainment....and all sorts of craftsman and artisans there. Depending upon where you go....there can be contests too.

When we went to the one in Anchorage, we didn't realize that there was a "story" going on all during the fair....we saw various fights and things happen that were all part of a bigger picture - at the end of the day there was a staged fight with a chessboard and people as human chess pieces. The king that won the fight won the hand of the queen who had recently been widowed (in the story). It was hilarious watching them.....

Here is a link to one that is running right now in Texas:

and here is my favorite link - to the one where we'll be renewing our vows next year:

If you look at the different pages - there are short videos at the top of the page that give you more information. My favorite is on this page:

Hope that helps!

We're hoping to go to the 1001 Dreams weekend this October.....


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