LOL...yeah, I have a feeling that, unless I had a really great teacher to show me how to sew clothing, just about anyone would be able to see flaws in it. I've done things like sew buttons back on, or resew a hem that had split, but nothing like creating something from start to finish! I would like to think that I could make my way through it...but wouldn't think of helpful little hints for this or that, and it would take YEARS to get through a dress! LOL!
At any rate, what a cool thing, him being able to make his own shirt...
And yeah, I want my dress done from start to finish...completely custom.

It's just more fun that way!
Also, I would like to figure out how to possibly add my own beadwork (which I'm quite sure I would be able to do on my own, and I'm always so picky about such things, I should probably just do it myself, lol) to the gown...just to add a little more prettiness to it.
How neat...I'm excited!
And I'm really excited for you about renewing your vows, btw...I think it's such a romantic, wonderful idea! I'd like to do that at some point in the future, too. It's actually something Danny and I talked about a bit last year when we visited the Ren Faire, and saw the beautiful setup they have for weddings.